Me: Hey Alexa found someone else to ride with. Can I ride with you?

I got a text back immediately.

Seth: Yeah, you get backseat though. Roman is driving.

Braun: I'm ok with that

Seth: We'll pick you up at the rental place.

I had to drop off my rental car since I was riding with them now.

Me: ok see you soon

I drove to the car rental building and dropped off my car. As I was about to walk out of the building, Seth walked through the door, he waved before speaking.

"We're right out front, I just gotta use the bathroom before we go." He said quickly before spotting the restroom sign and briskly walking toward it. I nodded as he walked through the door. I walked outside before seeing Roman in a car playing on his phone. I walked to it and climbed in the backseat.

"Uber?" I asked in a joking manner.

"No Braun." Roman said plainly, keeping his eyes glued to his phone.

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes before Seth returned.

"Alright, lets go." Seth said opening his door, getting in his seat and putting on his seat belt.

Hadley's POV

I had agreed to drive back to Wolverhampton. Worst decision I've ever made. Now I know how Trent feels when we make him drive after shows. Both Tyler and Trent had fallen asleep in the backseat while Pete was sitting in the passenger seat, completely content in the silence with his phone in his hand. I looked at the gas gauge to see we were running low.

"Hey, I gotta pull off and get gas."

"Mhmm." He hummed in response.

I decided to not say anything more.

"Good, I have to take a piss anyway."

I nodded and pulled off the road to find a gas station. I found one minutes later and parked next to the gas pump. Both Pete and I got out to do what we needed. I waited for him to come back out before going into the little store to go to the bathroom myself. When I came back out to see him leaning against the car, with his arms folded and his head down. It was starting to rain and I shook my head at him.

"Ready to hit the road?" I asked as I walked toward him.

"No."He said, looking up at me. "Not yet." He said, looking further up and to the sky. "It's beautiful out, don't you think?"

I looked up to the sky as well to see dark clouds.

"Pete, it's raining." I said.

"Nothing wrong with a little rain." He shrugged. "I think it's lovely out."

I stood next to him and leaned on the car as well.

"You seemed upset earlier, were you ok?" I asked. He uncrossed his arms and stood straight, taking a few steps away from the car and turning to face me.

"I wouldn't admit it if I was." He said.

"Oh come on Pete." I rolled my eyes. "You can tell me what's up."

"And what if I did? What would you do?"

"Depends on what you have to say." I said. He looked down and took a deep breath before looking back up at me.

"I- I just-." He began, before my phone began ringing. I rolled my eyes before pulling my phone from my pocket, to see Braun's name on my screen. I rolled my eyes again before pressing the lock button on my phone to ignore it, and put it back in my pocket.

"Sorry." I said. "Braun's being a real-."


"I was was going to say nuisance."

"He's an asshole in my book right about now."

"What did you want to say?" I asked.

"I just want to tell you something, and you have to promise to not make fun of me or-."

"Spit it out Dunne."

"I like you, ok?" He said.

"What? You're being ridiculous Pete. We've only been friends for half a day."

"I've been your friend for years! You've never like me or wanted to be my friend!"


"It never seemed like it."

"Are we really fucking arguing about our friendship right now?" I asked.

"It's looking that way."

"Well stop."

"Me? You're doing it too!"

"Shut up Pete." I rolled my eyes before looking up at the sky again.

"Make me." He said. I looked at him before smirking.

"I'll snap those digits of yours." I mocked him from earlier in the night.

"I'd love to see you try." He smiled, walking toward me, holding out his hand.

I looked at his hand before looking back up at his face. I took a step closer to him and he returned his hand to his side.

"Smile for me." I said.



"For what?"

"Would you just do it!"

He sighed before forcing a smile. I smiled back before tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear.

"You really do have a nice smile Peter." I smiled slightly.

"You're quiet scary when you're nice." He joked.

"Don't tell anyone I was nice, cause I'll have to kill you."

He smiled again, glancing down at his feet.

"I really do like you, Hadley."

"I heard you the first time Pete." I laughed at him.

"I'm sorry about-."

"Shut up, will you?" I said, before grabbing him by the shirt and kissing him.

I'm No Superman// Braun Strowman Where stories live. Discover now