SkinWalker's Den

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Okay, final disclaimer. There will be incredibly offensive humor in this story. I am not censoring or restraining myself on this particular book. So I'm going all out. There may be a time when you get offended, so keep this in mind: I know these are sensitive subjects, but I find that the best way to cope with them is to make fun of them. I'm sorry if you get offended, but understand I'm not going to delete something just because someone on the internet doesn't like it. Sorry.

Ugh... what the hell happened?

Y/N woke up from his slumber in a-

Shut the fuck up for a second and let me think! I'm in a... cave of sorts. There's female women slumped over in cages... probably knocked out since they don't look dead. Trust me, I'd know. Alright, I've came to my decision. I'm in Bill Cosby's lair. Haha, get it? Is that edgy enough for you all?

Actually you're in the SkinWalker's cave.

eh... close enough.

As Y/N stated, he woke up in a cave surrounded by cages with the bodies of women who appeared to be unconscious. Suddenly, a scraping noise was heard outside the cave, and the metallic sound penetrated Y/N's ears again.

A woman walked into the cave, holding bags of what appeared to be groceries, and set them down on the floor. Then the woman walked into an empty cage, and convulsed.

Fingers suddenly emerged from her mouth and they forced it open. Next came the arms, and then the SkinWalker's head rose from the woman's body. She crawled out of the body, wriggling.

She then fell to the floor, and stood up. She dusted herself off, and locked the cage door behind her. The SkinWalker noticed Y/N staring and gave a savage grin, her fangs showing.

"Like my skin sacks?" She asked him, "they're complete empty husks. I sucked out all thought from their mind. Makes them easier to control." SkinWalker walked over to him, opening the grocery bag. "I've never had a human guest before... what does your kind enjoy? The husks stay alive as long as I am alive, so I've never had the need for human food."

"Uh... okay?" What the hell?

The Skinwalker pulled out cans of soup, beans, and corn. "I found these at that husk's house. Do you eat these?"

"Uh... yes... if they're cooked right." Y/N said, scratching his head. "Look bitch, I'd love to stay and talk about the human needs for survival, but I've got a life to lead in the wild, and I don't need my mind to get sucked out of my skull so you can inhabit my body and figure out how to jack off properly." Y/N shakily stood up, and the SkinWalker grabbed his arms.

"I'm not going to steal your skin." The SkinWalker told him. "First of all, you're male. I don't know a single thing about your male anatomy. Second of all, you smell nice, you smell like death. Third of all, why would I go to steal some food if I wasn't going to keep you alive? I eat wild animals and berries. Not whatever manufactured shit you humans eat."

Y/N looked her up and down. "Sweetie, if you want to learn about male anatomy, I can teach you everything..." Fellas I'm getting laid!

"Maybe later. But now, help me with preparing your meal." She said, rummaging through the pack.

"I can do that myself, sweetheart." Y/N said.

The SkinWalker looked up. "Does your kind eat Zebra Cakes? I found these in the pantry. I've never had zebra before, but I can't judge."

"What am I? Five?" Y/N asked her.

"Uh... judging by your appearance, I assume you're full grown." The SkinWalker said.

"...yes... we can eat Zebra Cakes."

Don't tell anyone, but the author still eats these things. What a loser!

Hey I heard that!

The SkinWalker held up more food. A bag of uncooked French fries, a jug of Hawaiian Punch, and two packs of Ramen Noodles.

The SkinWalker nodded to herself. "Yep. That should do it." She said, and Y/N looked at her.

"So... can I have sex with you now? Or are we going to pretend that you dressed in just a bra and lingerie is normal?"

The SkinWalker looked at him oddly, then she morphed into a squirrel.

"The fuck kinda response is that? A simple job would suffice." Y/N said.

The squirrel jumped onto Y/N's head and and yanked on his hair.

"Uh... What are you doing?"

"I wish to know what sex is... we SkinWalkers don't... do it."

"Then how do you continue your race?"

"We don't. We live forever, so long as our brain remains intact." She said, pointing at her head. "So, we're going out into the forest, and you can show me how to find this elusive... is it a plant, or an animal?"

"Sex isn't a plant or an animal. It's... you know what? Fuck it." Y/N said, shaking his head.

The SkinWalker cocked her head at him, but said nothing. She then morphed into her favored form, the humanoid one with the deer antlers and leaf hair, and looked him in the eyes.

"What're you..." his eyes slowly drooped as the SkinWalker entered his body.

Y/N awoke in a dark space, and looked around.

He turned and saw the SkinWalker, staring at him. Her eyes bore into his soul.

"What're you doing?"

"Learning. This is a painful process for both of our physical forms, so I hate doing it. I want to figure out what 'sex' is, so I can keep you around."

"Why do you want to keep me around?"

"Because I've never met a human who smelled quite like us."

"Who's 'us?'"

"We are what you call, 'Paranormal' creatures. We are all the evil in the world. You are the first person to smell... truly evil in your own right."

"Why thank you, I try."

"So now I will join our minds together. I will make an effort not to destroy yours, like I do with so many others." The SkinWalker floated towards him, and suddenly snaked into Y/N's mouth.

Images flashed through Y/N's head. He could see what she was like. Her innate desire to be... well... something. She took human forms over the millennia, pretending, hoping to live by, because of her love for being something. But then he saw, she was cast out, her husk murdered, expelling her from it.

She ran into the woods, waiting. Snagging random strangers in the forest to take their bodies, hoping that one could make her feel better. But each and everytime, she only absorbed sadness. The minds she combined with her own were never happy, they were sad, filled with wailing grief. Eventually, he saw himself, reflected through her eyes, and he smelled that wonderful smell. A smell of death. He knew that she feels he is her key to happiness.

And then he woke up, seeing the SkinWalker lying on the floor. His body was incredibly sore, and he laid beside her.

"I saw everything..." she murmured, "I felt it all. I know what Love is... I know what it's like... I know more than I wanted to... I've absorbed many minds, but they've always been unloved souls. They came to the forest to die. But you. I saw you kill with ruthless intent. I saw you love, only for it to break apart. I've felt anger, hate, happiness, joy. I love it. Thank you." She said, and she wrapped her arms around him. "I told you it would hurt."

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