15th Chapter- Palmier

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-Naomi's View-

The last thing I remembered before falling unconscious was Matt using his ability as a Noah to teleport me to who-knows-where. I had fallen from a tree, hitting several branches along the way, one hitting my skull with a rough smack knocking me from consciousness.

I awoke in a sterile white room, tucked into a hospital bed, my cloak was sitting on a chair beside the bed, thankfully my other articles of clothing were left untouched. A plain purple shirt and grey dress pants, an odd combination I had chosen from Matt's wardrobe. I inhaled a breath, the scent of Matthew still lingering in his clothes. I frowned.

Will I ever see him again?

I adjusted in the bed to where I was in a sitting position, yelping a bit in pain, then noticing my right arm in a sling.

Huh. Must've fallen harder than I thought.

A loud crash was heard and my gaze directed to the door as I heard loud footsteps coming my way. "How come you didn't tell me you found her?!" That was definitely Lenalee's voice.

"Well she's been unconscious for a few hours since Allen and Kanda found her." This was likely Komui's voice.

"I have to see her." The door opened suddenly, revealing the sight of an eager Lenalee.

I waved like it was no big deal, like I hadn't been missing for five, maybe six days. "Hey."

"Thank God you're okay," she murmured, running over to me and wrapping me into a tight embrace.

I patted her back awkwardly with my good arm. "Um. It's okay little cousin. I'm fine, really."

She looked at me in disbelief. "Your arm is broken and you have bandages across your forehead. Don't lie and say you're fine to me."

I laughed nervously. "Oh really? I didn't even notice. Haha."

She released me from the hug, taking a seat in the empty chair. "What happened to you?"

I pondered her question for a little bit, debating what to say. "Well..I was kidnapped. Obviously," I stated. "Then...can I tell you about this later? Where no one else will hear?"

She looked at me, puzzled, but nodded. "Sure. Do you want me to go get you some coffee?"

I sighed in delight. "That would be great. The coffee you make is ridiculously excellent." She smiled at my compliment before leaving. I smiled at the nothingness.

It feels good to be back, while also sad to leave Matthew. Perhaps I'll see him again soon.

I closed my eyes, forgetting about the coffee and nearly dozing off.

"Hey. Heard you were awake. So stay awake, will you? Lazy ass, I had to carry you all the way here," his familiar grumpy voice echoed in the room as he shut the door behind him.

I smirked, not opening my eyes. "I go missing for days and I not only don't get any sort of acknowledgement of that from you, but I also don't get an apology for you being a prick? Tsk." His footsteps neared, his boots making little noise on the ground. I began to worry on what I had said, Kanda's short temper might not take that so lightly. I felt him near me, sitting on the edge of the bed. I opened my eyes as I felt his forehead against mine. I chuckled lightly. "This scenario again, huh?"

He made no reply, his steel-toned eyes boring into my relaxed ones. "I'm sorry," he whispered, almost inaudibly.

I closed my eyes, smirking again. "What's that? I couldn't quite hear you Kanda. You'll have to speak up a bit."

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