Chapter 5

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*liams POV*

I woke up the nxt day and noticed that she somehow pulled me up in the bed with her. I turned over in the small single bed, and seen that she was already up. She smilled at me and kissed me on the cheek.

“can we pack up and leave now. Im sick of the hospital already!” she asked me

“what ever you want”

She started to sit up and she moaned and started holding on to her head. I realized what was wrong, and told her to lie down and that i would pack her bag for her.

Louis POV

I hope that Sam is okay. I cant live without her. I think i love her. Wait! I gotta stop thinkin that. She goes out with Liam! Im gonna have to talk to Liam. My phone rings and its him.

“hello? .....yup ill be there in a second, is she okay?..... okay see you soon , bye..”

Liam POV

Once i was finished packing, i carried Sam out to the car. I have the most beautiful girlfriend ever.Louis kept asking me what was wrong with Sam and i told him that she had a bad concussion.

Samanthas POV

To go along with my concussion, this morning i went to the bathroom and figured out that my period had arrived again. And realized that i never took any tampons with me. Great.

“Hey Louis can we stop into a drug store before we go home?” i asked politely

“Yeah for sure! What do you need to get, ill get it for you” Oh no. I didn’t want to say that i would get it myself because i really didn’t feel well. But i didn’t think Louis would want to go in and get tampons haha.

“umm...ermmm..uhhh i can get it i guess” i hesitate

“No please i insist. I don’t mind.” Liam started giving me a questioning look and i texted him what i needed. He looked at the text message and smiled. Being the gentleman that he is he told Louis what i needed. Louis looked back at me through the mirror and winked at me, i looked embarrassed, but id say Louis was used to it where he has so many sisters. I told Liam to text Louis and tell him to get me some midol too. He didn’t know what that was, so i went in too. My head hurts so bad! When i got in there, i walked over to Louis. He looked so funny holding Tampons, but he was very mature about it! I showed him where the midol was, and walked back out to the car. When we got back to the hotel, i got a shower and put on some black yoga pants, and a Hollister shirt. Satisfied i walked downstairs. I felt much better now. Liam was sitting on the couch and i walked over to join him. I sat on his lap and asked him what we would do next. As soon as i said that all the boys came running into our room.

“What do you wanna do?” Niall asked while jumping up and down.

“we should go for a walk in the snow!” Liam suggested

“and then go to NANDOS!” Niall screamed. We all figured that Niall waited long enough and agreed.

Liams POV

When Sam got up she started to walk away to get her snow suit, i noticed a red stain on my leg where Sam had been sitting. All the guys noticed it too. I jumped up as fast as i could and ran over t Sam and hugged her from behind.

“your on your period aren’t you?” i whispered in her ear

“how did you know?!” she looked surprised

“you kinda leaked all over my leg”she screamed and ran to the room to change and so did i.

We both walked out of the room holding hands and laughing, and soon the boys joined us.

“did you guys see that?” she asked nervously

“yeah” they all said through their laughs; except Louis. She quickly stopped smiling and started to get tears in her eyes. She must be so embarrassed.

“Okay guys thats enough” i say quietly.

“im gonna, urmm, go to bed” she said and before she left i seen a tear slide down her face. I looked at the guys with an angry face, and ran in after her.

Harrys POV

I cant believe we were just laughing at her. It happens to all girls.

“Guys i don’t think we should’ve laughed at that. Thats a sin.”

“you got that right!” yelled Louis.”all of you should go in and”

We all went in and apologized but she just laughed.

“im sorry guys i just get really bad mood swings. I don’t care who knows about my period. It was actually kind of funny!” she spoke through her laughs. And afterwards we all laughed with her.


Liams POV

We headed outside, in our snowsuits and started walking. We had no clue where we were going. Suddenly i feel someone tackle me, and next thing you know im in a snow pile laughing.i look up at the person who tackled me and realize that it was Sam. She bends over and kisses me before helping me up. Now we are all pushing each other. We keep walking until we reach and open field. I have and idea!

I grab Sams hand and singnal the boys to follow as i run to the middle of the field. Once we get there, i let go of Sams hand to explain my idea.

“We should HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT!” i yell. Everyone screams like a gang does beforea fight.

“okay so we need 2 team captains!”

“im team captain” i say before anyone else.

“me too” yells harry. Im up first to pick.

“Samantha” i smile. Man she looks beautiful with all that snow sparkling in her hair.




The teams are finally made. Its Sam, Louis and i on Harry, Zayn and Niall.

“Okay we have 10minutes to make a fort!” We weren’t very serious about so we laughed and joked for most of the time.

-10minutes later-

“Our fort is bigger!” Sam yells playfully

“No ours is!” hollers Harry. Louis and i pick up a snowball that sam had made and throw it at them while saying:

“Yeah right!”

“Oh its on” Zayn mumbles to himself. Sam stays low making snowballs for us to throw; at one point we ran out of snow in that particular spot and had to move. But before we got to move, Niall threw a snowball at me very hard, and before it hit me i ducked, lost my balance and landed on Sam! All of us started laughing, but before i got up i kissed sam on the cheek to say sorry. It started to get dark out, we totally lost track of the time! So both of the teams forfeit, and start running back to the hotel. But i stay back with sam because shes not aloud to run. Running could hurt her head from the concussion. But we laughed, and joked around alot.

When we got home, i made Sam and the boys some hot chocolate, and gave them a blanket each. All of us sat in my hotel room, and watched Friday the 13th. Finally we heard a knowck at the door. Niall jumps up and starts running around the hotel room screaming ‘NANDOS’ Everyone laughed at him.About halfway through, i got tired and told the lads that they could stay as long as they want, but to lock the door when they left. I started my way to the bedroom to catch some z’s, when i heard Sam say goodnight as well. I put on some pj pants and hopped into bed with Samantha following right after.

“Today was fun” she said with a smile

“it sure was.”

“Can i ask you something?” she said hopeful

“Of course”

“thanks, ummm how long are you planning on staying with me, id rather know now then get to serious, and get my heart broken” She spoke calm

“lets start with forever” 

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