From unknown

“Samantha you weren’t expecting that were you? Hes gone now, and your next”

it was from the same number that was threatening liam earlier. I cant stop screaming. Hes gone.


I feel liams warm body wrapped around me and his soothing voice telling me it would be okay, i open my eyes to see liam lieing there next to me.

“shes after me too” i scream. We both lie there crying for the rest of the night. Some dreams are just to real

liams POV

I woke up the next morning and seen that we were still holding each other and our faces soaking wet from our tears. Later on today im going to ask her what she dreamt about. I feel so bad. But i still felt safe with her, i felt complete.

She rolled over in the bed to face me, and kissed me.

“im sorry about last night” she said quietly.

“thats okay, what happened anyway?”

“ i had a nightmare. You and i woke up in the middle of the night because someone was banging on the door. So you got up and answered it andwas a girl in all black and she stabbed you. Then, that number that keeps texting you...” she continued through her cying

“ texted me saying that i was next. Liam i cant have a life without you. I love you so much.” Now she was bawling. I pulled her in close to me and hugged her until she stopped crying. When we both calmed down, we headed to the other boys room for breakfast. Samantha and i tried to keep our heads down so they didn’t see that we were crying but that didn’t work out very well. As soon as we walked into their room they started asking questions.

“whats wrong? Were you guys crying?”they all asked us individually.we always replied with the same answer:

“yes we were” it was straight forward and we weren’t lieing either.

Samanthas POV

“so what do you wanna do today?” i asked everyone

“hmmmm how about... SKATING and then NANDOS” replied Niall. We all agreed with skating and told Niall we would go to Nandos some other day.


Liams POV

Louis drove us to a general skating arena in Sweden. It was beautiful! Sam and i skated together, Louis and Harry skated together, and Zayn and Niall skated together, this was perfect! Sam and i skated with our arms interlocked and we would kiss every now and then too. We could hear someone skating really fast behind us but we just kept going. I looked back and seen a girl in all black, not planning on stopping for us. She threw her hand back and punched Sam right in the back of the head. She falls down. I fall down. Shes not breathing. The rest of the boysskate over to us as fast as they can. Im screaming. Louis is calling the ambulance, and Harry is trying to pull me away from her. I give up punching him and just fall on the floor in the changing room, screaming and calling her name. I cant live without her.


When the ambulance arrived, the boys decided that i was calmed down enough to go in the ambulance with her, while they rodae in the van behind us. Shes still not breathing. I keep saying her name trying to wake her up somehow but its not working.

Samanthas POV

I can hear him calling my name. I try so hard to answer but i cant move, or get a full thought through my mind. He sounds heartbroken. I don’t know whats happening.


*at the hospital*

Liams POV

When we arrive at the hospital, all the nurses and paramedics had to put me in a room of my own. I lie on the floor crying, and screaming. She cant be gone. I cant live without her. Its impossible. After an hour i hear someone knock on the door. I wipe away my tears and answer the door. A doctor stands before me.

“shes awake!” he says joyfully. I push the doctor as i run past him and look for the room shes in. He stops me in my tracks.

“no visitors, only family can visit” my knees get weak

“im her husband” i lie to him. But someday i hope it will be true. He points me to her room and i walk in. Shes lieing down on the bed, watching tv, crying. I couldn’t stop myself from running over to her and wiping her tears away.

“ they told me only family was aloud in when i asked for you” she spoke through her sobs

“i said im your husband”

“hopefully someday” she whispered

“so what happened?” i questioned

“the doctor told me i have a pretty bad concussion.” I started crying again and kissed her forehead. I couldn’t help but think that this was my fault.

“you’ll be okay babe. Im here for you”i spoke soothingly to her.i didn’t want to scare her.i went to ask the doctor how long she would have to stay at the hospital, and she only had to stay for the night, but she had to take it easy. I satyed there for the night with her. I didn’t want to lose her again.

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