Chapter Fourteen: Intoxicated

Start from the beginning

If I lied right now, I could save myself a lot of trouble. No, I couldn't do that. I'd hurt her enough already by not telling her. 

"Dylan, please! Is it true?" she cried out more loudly.

As I slowly nodded my head, Kaylee choked back a sob. "Why didn't you tell me? We tell each other everything."

"I..." I started, until I realized there really was no good reason for me to have kept it from her. "I...I don't know." 

"You don't know? That's all you can give me? I trusted you Dylan! We're supposed to have each other's backs, we're supposed to look out for each other! But instead of telling me and saving me a little bit less of a heartbreak, you kept it a secret?" she pieced together in disbelief.

"Look, Kay I -" 

"I think we need a break."

My heart sank at those six words. I stared at her incredulously. "W-what?"

"You heard me, a break. No, I'm not breaking up with you for good, but I need some time to think some things through. I'm sorry Dylan, but if you really love me then you'll let me take this break."

I wanted to protest, but I thought better of it. I simply nodded and showed myself out of her house. And as I walked out into the driveway, I couldn't shake the image of her broken, shattered eyes.


It's been two and a half weeks since Kaylee initiated our 'break'. We haven't hung out or talked to each other more than the occasional "hi" in the hallways. Frankly, I'm in no better of a state than I was on that day I walked out of her house. I've been a mess and extremely depressed.

Kaylee, on the other hand, appears to be doing just fine without me. Of course she would be. She's perfect. That probably kills me even more, knowing that she can manage with me completely out of her life. I need to find a way to cope and I need to do it soon.

"Hey, bro, you look like crap!" 

I slammed my locker shut and came face to face with one of my friends. "Gee, thanks Tyler. That's a real self-esteem boost." 

"I'm just being honest here unlike the two-faced assholes that go to this school. So what's up with you man?"

"Kaylee drama," I sighed. "It's killing me that she doesn't even seem to miss me at all while I'm going insane."

"You sound like a chick," he chuckled. "Maybe you wanna go to a party tonight with me and the guys? You know, have a few drinks, blow off some steam. Just to get your mind off of things."

Normally, I would've declined the offer, but I did need a coping mechanism. "Eh, why not. Sure, I'll go. When and where?"

"It's at Spencer's house, which means it's going to be sick," Tyler hyped, drawing out the last word. "It starts at 9 and ends at whenever you want dude!"

"Alright, see you there," I said as I slapped him on the back to signal my goodbye. This plan to soothe my overworked mind better work.

As I got ready for the party that night, it took every ounce of will power within me to not glance over at Kaylee's house and see if she was attending the party too. However, when I pulled out of the driveway and passed by her house, I couldn't help but notice the all too familiar glare of the television against her living room window. Guess she hasn't been much of a party person after the Ryan incident.

No! Stop thinking about Kaylee. Or about Ryan. Tonight, let it be about you for once. 

Shaking off my thoughts, I managed to compose myself as I approached the scene. As always, Spencer's party was spiraling out of control and it was only 9:30 p.m. This would be a long night. Now, where were the red solo cups?



I watched as Tyler danced on the tabletop as the crowd chanted his name. He soaked up the attention like a sponge. Sponges...haha...Spongebob. Okay, maybe I've had a little too much to drink. But that was the point right? On that note, I went over to the cooler and grabbed another beer. 

"Yo, Dylan! What's that your fifth one?" Tyler slurred after getting off of the table. The crowd, disappointed that the show was over, went back to dancing. 

"I don't know, dude! I lost count after a while," I chuckled. Was it hot in here? 

"You don't look so good man. Take a load off upstairs in my room. First door on the left once you reach the top of the staircase," an approaching Spencer told me and slapped my back. 

"Alright, alright," I mumbled. I made my way through the hot, sweaty bodies of the dancing teens and eventually found the staircase. Cursing every time I tripped, I stumbled up the staircase and fumbled with Spencer's doorknob until it opened. The first thing greeting me in the room was a huge beanbag smack in the middle of the room. 

"Don't mind if I do," I said to no one in particular. I then proceeded to close my eyes and unwind after I let out one last maniacal laugh. Guess I'm a funny drunk. Or maybe I was just a lunatic. Yeah, nowadays I've been leaning towards the latter.

After who knows how long, I heard creaking hinges indicating that someone was coming into the room. "If you've come in here to smooch with me, Tyler, you're out of luck," I laughed. 

When I felt him sit on and straddle me, I knew it was not Tyler. This person was way too light to be Tyler or let alone a guy - they were most definitely female. The girl then proceeded to pin my arms down and trail kisses along my neck. In normal cases, I would've shoved whoever this was off. However, I was too intoxicated to know what was wrong or right in the circumstance. I was upset and it felt too good to stop. 

As the kisses trailed up to my jawline and moved closer to my mouth, my admirer stopped what she was doing. "Miss me, Dylan?" she purred in a sickly sweet voice. Confused and slightly disappointed, I dared myself to open my eyes for the first time.

And when I saw those piercing green eyes, I knew I was in trouble.


Another chapter up - hooray! Sorry if it kind of sucked, it was really hard to write this chapter for some reason, but I still wanted to get something up for you guys (if you haven't noticed, I've been trying to upload weekly).

But at least some stuff happened in this chappy right? And someone was reintroduced...can anyone guess who it is? First person to comment the right answer gets a dedication next chapter ;) Unless you've already gotten a dedication....then you just get the satisfaction of knowing that you're a careful reader.

Oh yeah, sorry if the whole drinking part was totally inaccurate. I have no idea how many drinks is considered a lot or a little so I just wrote the first number that popped into my head. 

Question: Out of all the characters in this book, who would you like to spend a day with if you could?

Goal: 1350+ reads and at least 5 votes? I'm so glad more people are starting to support this story now <3

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! If you did, don't forget to cote, fan, or recommend this book to others who may enjoy it as well :)

lots of love, rhi.

P.S. TLU hit #401 this past week! Not my record, but not too shabby either. Thanks guys! :)

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