"Same" I say as she walks off

"Let me show you where you'll be staying" says Fittz as we walk up the stairs

It looked like a mini apartment, I never even lived alone before. Usually going from couch to couch or sleeping in the studio.

"We'll get you some clothes tomorrow" says Fittz"Just get comfortable and the studio is in the basement"

"Cool" I say"Thank you so much for this, I don't even know what to say"

"It's fine" says Fittz"dinner will be ready at 6"

I layed across the bed and fell asleep. I kept waking up because of dreams. I kept thinking about almost dying. I wanna stop thinking...I wanna be numb.

"Hey, is it cool if I come in" says Camila peaking in

"Yeah sure, I was trying to sleep but I keep having nightmares" I say sitting up

"Do you need something" says Camila

"No, I'm fine" I say"You guys have done enough"

"My dad thinks you're a music genius" says Camila sitting on the bed"The kids at school love all your songs you produced for Tracy"

"I don't fuck with that bitch anymore" I say"He left me for dead"

"That's crazy" says Camila"Can you cook something up it would be awesome to see you work"

"Um...yeah sure"I say

"I'm sorry...I don't wanna rush you into anything" says Camila"I should go"

"No, don't" I say"I'll meet you down there in a little bit"

"Alright cool" says Camila smiling a walking out

I haven't produced with out being crazy gone out my mind. I'm nervous to look like a fool in front of someone that looks up to me. But I'm sure I can, my best stuff was when I first started and was only smoking weed.

"You ok"says Niecy in the kitchen with Fittz

"Yeah, gonna go in the studio with Camila" I say with a small smile

"Don't let her push you into doing something you're not ready to do Kehlani" says Fittz

"It's cool, I gotta get myself together" I say as I head downstairs

It was like professional studio. Big booth, full board setup, drums, keyboard everything.

"Oh.my.god" I say looking around

"My dad said it's not all here yet but it will be by next week" says Camila tuning the guitar

"This is for me" I ask

"Well, yeah...I told you he believes in you"says Camila

I'm overwhelmed, I never had anything like this in my life. My family never did shit for me. I always had to do it alone. I really cant fuck this shit up.

I sat at the computer and messed with some different loops. Camila sat next to me and watched and also asked a thousand questions.

"How you like that" I say looking over at Camila as I play the keyboard

"Litty" says Camila bobbing her head

"Hey, dinner is ready" says Fittz coming downstairs"You just made that"

"Yeah, just showing her some basics" I say turning around

"Mila go help your mom get the table set" says Fittz

"Ok papi" says Camila heading upstairs

"You like the set up" says Fittz

"Yeah, this is more then I could ask for" I say

"We can make something big out of this, mark my words" says Fittz"We just gotta stay true to each other"

"You got my word" I say putting my hand on my heart

"Good, let's go eat" says Fittz patting my back"I don't know what you like to eat but Niecy is a great cook"

"I'm not picky" I say as we go upstairs

We sat down like a family m. I never had that most of the time my mom and dad were gone so I ate alone.

"If you touch that food, I'm gonna touch you little girl"says Niecy making Camila pause as her hand hovers over her plate

"Okay" says Camila as her cheeks turn red

"Don't be embarrassed, I ain't nobody" I say nudging her and causing her to laugh

"Camila you can lead us in prayer" says Niecy grabbing my hand

We all held hands as Camila prayed. I felt like I belonged...I never felt that way. We talked about everything and the food was bomb.

"Thank you, for everything" I say to Niecy as I help her with the dishes

"No problem, babygirl" says Niecy"I haven't seen Camila this happy in a while"

"She's talented" I say

"Very, just need to boost her self-esteem" says Niecy

"...just between me and you" I say looking around"She's talking to a girl right now...she's a senior though. I told her to be careful because this girl could go off to college or something but she's taking it slow"

"Oh I like you" says Niecy nuging me"Spilling all the tea for me"

"She's good though, bullies are lames who have no life she shouldn't worry about them" I say smiling

"I can take care of the rest of the dishes " says Niecy"You need to get rest, you have to be at the center 7:30"

"Wait am or pm" I say

"Don't play with me Kehlani" says Niecy

"I got you"I say laughing heading up the stairs

I was really motivated to try and be better. I'm just super nervous about this sober life center shit.


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