let me be your love

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Kit pov's

i already waiting for 15 minutes but P'Ming still not going down for breakfast , I think he back to sleep as i am leave him lying on the bed.i decided to going up and check on him again.
i open the door slowly  ,i look inside he not there maybe he is on the bathroom.
i walk to bathroom door but before i knock the door i hear he talking to someone so i just stand there hearing what he talk.

I don't know how long i stand there till yhe door was opened.I never know P'Ming have many problem , but still he can act so cool when facing me.

"Kit what are you doing here?" Ming

" ah that.... your breakfast already cold P'Ming , Will you going down now?".i said act like i didn't hear anything.

"oh okay".

I just walking follow him ,but my mind still think about what I hear just now.
what's actually happens with P'Ming?.
Did something happen in his home that why he wants stay at my home?.
i try to forget what i hear but my mind keep thinking about it.

"Nong.....Nong Kit are you okay?".

"ah what's up?".

"Are you okay Nong,are you thinking about something?".

"ah Nothing P,let have breakfast na".

"Why don't you eat first Kit?".

"it's okay P,eat together will be nice".i said then take a seat in front of him.

"Did you made it all Kit?".

"Yes P'Ming,you don't like it?".

"it's look so delicious Kit,let me try first bite"..

i looking at how P'Ming eating his breakfast.he look so happy.

"how the taste P, it's nice?".

"yes Kit,it's really perfect taste".

he smilling happily and finished all the meal.

"P'Ming....".i want ask him what's happening but it's still of doubtful in my mind.

"what's up Nong?"..

"ah..Did you have tell your parents you are stay in my home P?".

"it's okay Kit,my pa have  work out county".

"ah i see".

"Are mind if i stay here for few days ?".

"it's okay P,you can stay as long as you want".

" really?,how if i want to stay here for rest of my life".

" why not P'Ming,as far u want be my husband".i said easily that make him shocked.

"What are you saying just now Nong?".
he ask me again.

"Nothing P".i said while keep eating my meal without look at him.i don't know how his expression face right now.

"Later ,i will going back my home take my clothes Kit,do you want come along?".

"Are you sure wanna me come with you P?".

"so you don't want?".

"if you say so ,i will come with you P".


"Nong can we go Now?".P'Ming said while i am still watching my favorites movie.

"Can't you wait a minute P?".i said with my puppy face.he has not answering but he just sit next to me playing with his phone.i just leaning on his shoulder ,he raise up his head looking at me but he didn't say anything.
"it's feel so comfortable lean on you like this P".

" you always like this with everyone Kit?".

"what do you means P?".

"Did you always act so childish when you with other?".

"i am not"..


"So you are the one P".

"Kit....stop make a joke na".

" I am not P,wait a minute i change my clothes P".i go upstairs change my clothes .why P 'Ming still thinks that i am just playing him.
"let me be your love P".i want say it but i can't say it loud infront of P'Ming.


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