morning kiss 😘

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Ming's pov

i am wake up with smell of delicious food,i am look around it's not my room,i almost forgot that i sleep in Kit room last night.everything pop up again in my mind.
shiiyaa what should i do now?.
will Kit angry me with what i do last night.
i hear the door open, I just close my eyes pretend i am still sleep.

"P'Ming wake up na,i already make breakfast for us".i hear he come closer i still pretend in deep sleep,i am not dare to look at him right now.what should i do? it's the first time i have this feeling towards someone ,but why i do like him so much even i close to him only for few hour."should it what called love?"..

i still confused with my own heart,when i feel his soft voice calling me again..
"P'Ming wake up na,have your breakfast then you can back to sleep" .his breath tickling my ear.i open my eyes slowly ,his face only one inches touching my face .my heart breathing repeatedly..our eyes meet each other ,i can feel warmness there .his lips draw beautiful smile.

"Morning P"Ming",,he said while lying on top me.
"Morning Nong'Kit".i said ..

"are you sleep well P?"

"yes Nong,thanks for letting me hugging your  pillow while sleep,i already used to it when i sleep i need hugging the pillow".

"did my body really that comfortable to hug like the pillow P?".he said with naughty smile in his face.

"what ?".i asking him ,my mind still can't get it what he said even he already talk so clearly..maybe just my mind blow away don't know where ?.

"Nothing P,go brush your teeth and go down for breakfast na"..he said then kissing my lips .he just walk out from the room without look at me again.

what the fuck,why he treat me like this and why i just let him do it?i am really going crazy to think about it..
lazily i go to bathroom and brush my teeth.he already prepared everything for me..i look at my self in the mirror ,i touching my lips again ,i still can feel his soft lips in my lips...i don't know how many time he did kissing me since yesterday.

he really take good care of me ,till i forgot all my problems at first place.
i walk out from the bathroom when my phone rang.there is my pa i forget not tell him i not come home last night..
Kit really make me forget my own self.,😔


Only short update guys ,,i really busy with my work 😭😭😭😭...i will update as fast as possible for you guys ...

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