Betrayal (Jug)

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I looked down the hallway seeing my old friends.They all had bright smiles plastered on their faces.Just the other day I was with them.Laughing and drinking milkshakes at Pops.That all seems like a distant dream now.Jughead told Betty about me being a Serpent.Instead of her being understanding she told the whole school.She took everyone from me...including Jughead.A pang of sadness came over me as Jughead wrapped his arm around Betty.I put on my serpent jacket blinking away the tears as I slammed my locker shut.I was about to leave when Reggie and the Bulldogs surrounded me.

"Mantle"I said plainly trying to push past him.He gripped my shoulder and pushed me into the lockers.I hissed out in pain.

"Where do you think you're going?"I looked over at Jughead and worry was all over his face.I guess i was staring to long and Reggie saw and he started laughing.

"They can't help you"He said as I pushed him away.

"Believe me Reginald I know that.I mean what kind of best friend rats one another out right?And what kind of friends leave when they find out one of them is different?"I looked over at my old friends and all their heads were lowered in shame.

"I don't get why I was the only one excluded...I mean they still stick around with the Serpent Prince.Am I wrong Juggie?"That seemed to get to him seeing as he looked up.

"You weren't supposed to say anything"Jughead said angrily.

"Everybody loves you jughead.You really think this going to do any harm?Unlike you i've always been an outcast and the one person I let in stabbed me in the back"I now had tears running down my face.

"The serpents are my family Jughead.And thanks to you they seem like a burden when I walk through these hallways"I walked angrily towards Jughead before Betty blocked me.I smirked at her.

"Listen,Nancy Drew.I'm not scared of you"I threatened.

"I will report you to principal Weatherbee.I'll tell my mother to bash you and your kind in the papers"I laughed.

"I won't be here tomorrow sweetie.I'll be at my new school.With my kind but hey at least they aren't running around chasing a serial killer and blaming everyone because her demons are finally winning the fight.And go ahead and cry to your mommy.She bashes us in the paper either way"Her mouth dropped in surprise and I saw tears in her eyes.I pushed past everyone and headed out the doors of Riverdale high.


"The regular?"Hog Eye asked.

"Double it"I said taking a seat in one of the stools.

"If it isn't the Northside princess"I looked around spotting Sweet Pea and I rolled my eyes turning back to the bar as Hog eye put my drinks down.

"Look sweetie pie i'm not in the mood."He put his hands up in defense laughing.But his laughing soon stopped as he saw tears running down my cheeks.

"Hey,hey what's wrong?"He said cupping my face.I felt a spark but ignored it.

"You were right.They left me because of who I am.Even my own best friend"I said pulling away from his hold and downing my shots.

"C'mon"I looked at him confused but he just raised an eyebrow.

"Do you trust me?" I nodded my head slowly.He stood up and I followed him out of the bar.I hopped on his motorcycle.He started the bike and we both rode off.


"I should've never told you.And now I don't know if she's ok,or where she is,or if she hates me"I said pacing around the classroom.Archie put a hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.

"Jughead maybe she isn't right in the head.For all we know that could've been an episode"Betty said trying to give me a hug before I pushed her away.

"Stop.Just stop.The only person that is not right in the head is you Betty.You ruined her life and I stuck with you because I thought you were right.Y/N is the one I should be siding with.Like she said i'm the Serpent Prince and Serpents never leave anyone behind"I took the silence of my friends as an answer and stormed out of the classroom.


"Sweets where are we going?"I said as he stopped the bike and wrapped a bandanna around my eyes.

"It's called a surprise for a reason"He said and I could practically see him rolling his eyes.He started leading me forward and I gripped onto one of his hands scared that I might fall.

"Relax"He said softly in my ear.I loosen my grip but still held onto his hand.  

"Are we almost there?"I asked annoyed.I then felt the blindfold be removed.I squinted at the bright light  letting my eyes adjust.I looked around seeing a set of stairs in front of me.      

"Is this your way of trying to murder me?"He scoffed.

"Just climb up the damn stairs"I rolled my eyes but complied either way.I claimed the stairs and waited at the top for Sweet Pea.I looked inside the tree but didn't see anything.

"What did you wanna show me?"I said as Sweet Pea took a seat.He peeled back some of the leaves and there was a stunning view.       

    "I come up here all the time to think and just relax"Sweet Pea spoke up

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    "I come up here all the time to think and just relax"Sweet Pea spoke up.I looked over at him and we locked eyes.We both leaned in closer until our lips where against each others.

"Y/N?"We both pulled away and looked down.And low and behold Jughead.

"Jughead?What do you want?"I said a bit harshly.Sweet Pea took my hand and squeezed for support.

"I-I came to apologize.I know now who my true friends are.And I'm sorry I let you go"I stared blankly at him.

"Jughead I don't know if I can forgive you.I was there for you.I sacrificed so many things and the second Nancy Drew told you I was to dangerous you went with her.You made my one true family seem like a burden and high school became my living hell.Maybe just maybe in the future our paths will cross again but for now I don't want to see you"I said as tears fell down my eyes.Jughead also had tears running down his eyes and I looked away.

"I think it's best if you go Jughead"I heard Sweet Pea say.I soon heard leaves crunching indicating that he did leave.

"Baby it's ok.He knows that you need time."Sweet Pea said cupping my face.I nodded my head and he kissed me once more.

"Life has a crazy ways of reconnecting people and I have a feeling you and Jughead are not done with each other"I laughed and looked out at the view.

'One day' I thought.

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