So cruel, and cold it was so unlike the mother that I saw only a few weeks before. He sat me in the same leather couch I had seen earlier, once I was seated he disappeared out of the door, closing it with a soft click. 

I kept my eyes trained on my laps, my hands fiddling with each other. I had to calm myself down, I knew that much. I just wanted to grab my mother by her shirt and scream profanities in her face. I felt the anger bubbled up in my system. Having enough of the tense silence, I brought my eyes up to meet Alicia's. 

"Hello, daughter..." She greeted with a tight smile on her face.

I glared at her, my lip curled into a sneer. "Cut the act, I highly doubt that you think of me as your daughter." I spat, coldly as I folded my arms over my chest. Alicia only kept her eyes blank as she tilted her head to the side.

"I wanted this meeting to go by fast, I had certain things to discuss," She said smoothly, her voice silky like butter. She pursed her lips when she noticed my reluctance.

I leaned back against leather couch. "Alright, go ahead." I sneered, it was getting harder by the second to sit here and not wrap my hands around her throat. I wanted to make her feel like she made me feel, but I knew that was very unlikely due to that fact she never cared about me. So anything emotionally won't hurt her but I knew physical would. She clapped her excitedly, "Okay back to business, you already know by now that you won't be going home." She started.

My eyes widened. "Why can't I? I'm almost 18, I can go out and live on my own."

She was gone out of her mind if she thought I was going to stay here. I scoffed at that thought. Just wait until I'm better, I'm getting out of here.

"And? That isn't important now, you won't be going to school anymore either. You may almost be 18, but not for another 5 months, which means legally I'm still your guardian. Earlier I considered selling you off you since you already knew too much, but someone seemed interested in you," She drawled with surprise.

My mouth hung open in shock, despite my resentment towards her I couldn't help but feel hurt as she said that. How could she sell off her only daughter? Not only that but she was behind all the torment I've been through. That obviously wasn't enough for her, she wanted me to die as well. Just sitting here, looking at her stone, cold expression. Made me hate her even more, she was a horrible excuse for a mother.

She continued, "I know that you know Caine of course, such a gorgeous young man. He offered to keep you for me, I, of course agreed." She expressed, casually as she took a sip of her coffee.

I stared at her for one whole minute before I burst out laughing. "You need to stop fucking with me. You think I'm going to let you hand me over to Caine? You've lost your mind," I declared, hotly as my blazing green eyes narrowed on her. There was no way I'd willing hand myself over to him. Although Alicia was the reason was he began terrorising me, something tell me he isn't going to be any different. He's to be the same evil, cruel ruthless person he's always been. 

She frowned. "I'm serious Bryce, don't use that type of language. Its very unladylike." She scolded me, while shuffling the papers on her desk.

I cocked an eyebrow at her. "I'll say whatever the hell I want. You lost all rights when you set up this whole fucking thing. You don't control me," I hissed as my hand gripped the handle of the leather sofa.

"No I'm still your mother, I only set this plan up to teach you a lesson. I still control you, you're my child and you will listen to me," She spoke each word through clenched teeth.

"As far as I'm concerned, the mother I knew died when I figured this out. Why did you need to teach me a lesson? I never did anything to deserve this! " I yelled and to my horror, tears started to form in my eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat, I can't cry not now. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that'll stop the tears. "Don't you see what you've done to me?" I whispered.

"See that's your problem, you're always so defiant and out of control I had to do something. Once I set this up, you were quiet and well behaved. No matter how much I yelled you wouldn't listen. Desperate times called for desperate measure," She said coldly.

I blinked at her in shock "That's your reason? Because I wasn't well behaved!? I know I wasn't, I made mistakes that's what teenagers do! How could you? That's just absolutely insane! What kind of mother are you?" I cried in disbelief.

My mother only rolled her eyes. "I can't do this right now. I don't really feel like explaining myself to you, Bryce what I said is final, Caine is going to watch over you I don't want to hear another word about it," She said, her voice stern and firm. I huffed before I began to stand on my wobbly legs.

"Fuck this shit," I grumbled under my breath, I hold back a grimace as hot, burning pain crept up my stab wound. I used a hand to press against the gauze. Damn it, the gauze was soaked with blood, I could feel blood droplets roll down my stomach.

A knock sounded on the door, I fall back onto the couch with a soft thud. I groaned in pain when my stomach hits the leather too hard. I distantly hear Alicia called out. "Come in"

Tears sting in my eyes when another rush of scorching pain hits my body. I took a deep breath as I sat up, I made sure to lean my body on the opposite side. Alicia watched me impatiently, her mouth drawn down into a hard scowl. "Are you done? "

I shot daggers at her, if only I had a dagger in my hand I would probably stab the hell out of her. "Leave me alone." I said in a low voice.

Alicia only shrugged before she addressed the person behind me. "Get her out of here," She said with a wave of her hand, while she begins to type on the laptop in front of her. I looked behind me and unfortunately it was Caine who was going to take me away from her and back to his chambers.

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