Home.... for now..

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John sat on the couch of his and Alex's apartment, trying to process everything that had just happened to them. Alex had crashed on the couch beside him the moment they'd returned home.

All that John understood was that his uncle wasn't okay with his homosexuality.. And Clarence wanted to "cure" John and Alex... By kidnapping them and keeping them separated?
It didn't make much sense...

John sighed, leaning against the couch tiredly. He was glad they'd gotten home when they did, so they could sleep for a long while before waking up early for church tomorrow. The episcopal church the two went to was really nice and welcoming, it was a nice feeling.

John glanced at Alex, smiling at his boyfriend's peaceful look. Alex was always so peaceful when he slept, it was adorable.

"I love you, Alex." John whispered, kissing Alex's forehead. The shorter man smiled in his sleep, snuggling closer to John. John smiled, and looked out the window at the beautiful sunset.

Things may be weird, but right now? It was perfect.
That's just what he needed.


The pond glittered in the moonlight. Alex sat back on his chair on the balcony. This felt so real... Was it?

Beside him sat a girl. She looked suspiciously like Eliza...
But she smiled at him taking his hand.
"I love you Alex." She whispered, leaning over and kissing his forehead. He smiled in return, then looked back out at the koi pond. It was beautiful.

Just... Beautiful.


Short little chapter for you all. ^^ I hope to update this and Venus more, but I'm not entirely for sure when I'll be able to. My weekends are mostly spent as pure down time to destress after the week. XP

But when I have the motivation, I can write a lot. ^^
But this chapter just needed to be smol and short, and I think next chapter will be a little short as well.

If I'm being honest though I'm not sure when Venus will get updated, as I'm waiting until I hit a certain chapter here before moving on with Venus.
You'll understand when the time comes~ ÙwÚ

But for now.. Hope you enjoyed! ^^ Stay safe and wear your seatbelts. // mwah

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