Weekend Planning

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John arrived home before Alex, and he decided to set about working on his homework. A lot of his work was made specially so he could read braille, and then look at the words in actual text. It was a bit tedious to make he guessed (judging by how thick the book was), but it was really helpful.

He glanced up as Alex walked in, locked the door, and flopped over on the couch. He looked really tired. John frowned slightly, and scooted over to Alex, patting his back.

"Alex? Are you okay?" He asked. Alex rolled over onto his back, looking up at the ceiling.

"Tired." He mumbled. "How are you?"

"I'm good." John smiled, kissing Alex's cheek. The shorter man blushed and smiled.

"I oughta get dinner made, huh?"

"Or we could get take out."

"We're poor college kids, we don't got the money for take out." Alex grunted, sitting up. John chuckled slightly. They weren't that poor honestly, take out was just for special times.
Honestly a lot of folks were under the same impression.

John glanced up at Alex as he stood up. "I'll go make some dinner. Probably gonna keep it simple.. Not sure what it'll be yet though."

"Can I help with any of it?" John asked, standing up as well. Helping Alex cook was always fun, learning what spices were what and the various recipes Alex had learned from his mother were always amazing.

Alex smiled, giving John a quick kiss on the cheek. "Of course, love. I'd appreciate the help." He smiled, then headed over to the kitchen, with John following close behind.

~~Time skip brought to you by bittersweet songs that have nothing to do with this story~~

Alex leaned back against the couch, watching John try to organize all his homework. Alex was organized from the start, but he'd learned a long time ago that John would have periodic times of organization that didn't last very long, but long enough for him to learn where he put things.

And so that's where the two found themselves, chilling in comfortable silence in the living room, John organizing and Alex dozing off, already half asleep.


The phone rang.

Alex jumped off the couch in a cat like manner and away from the phone, while John just froze.

Both boys were extremely shook to say the least.

The phone rang a few times before Alex snatched it up and answered it.


"Alex!!" A voice screamed happily. Alex had to move the phone away from his ear a little, but he could tell right away that it was Hercules. "Hey man, how are you and John doing?"

"H-hey Herc, we're doing alright. Is something up?" Alex asked, sitting down on the couch again. John quickly joined him, and Alex put the phone on speaker as Herc explained things.

"Nothing much, Lafayette and I were just wondering if y'all wanted to do a double date this weekend? We could go out to eat and watch a movie and goof around all day. Just the four of us, for the total fun of it!"

Alex smiled, glancing at John who nodded vERY quickly. "Yeah, we can try to make it." Alex replied, stifling a chuckle. "When exactly is this double date?"

"Saturday if y'all can make it."

"I think we can!" Alex replied, grinning at John. "I'll let you know if something changes."

"Alrighty! See y'all Saturday!"

"See ya!" Alex hung up the phone, and glanced at John. "So, I guess we're going on an official date, huh?"

John just squealed happily and tackle hugged Alex, smothering him with kisses. Alex laughed, returning the kisses when he could.

"I love you so much Lexiii!~" John squealed happily.

"I love you too, Jellybean~" Alex replied, nuzzling his forehead.

"Thank you Alex. This weekend will be a lot of fun!" John exclaimed, bouncing up and down slightly. Alex nodded in agreement, grinning.

"It sure will be."


Heyyyy! Back atcha with another chapter for my Blind!Love babs ♡♡
Just a simple chapter, but it's going to lead into a LOT of stuff UwU

Not much to say about it tbh. owo""""

Hope you enjoyed, and y'all stay safe! //mwah

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