Chapter 12- What does the Future Hold?.

Start from the beginning

"He's  shuckin' mental" Mae sighed shaking her head from side to side.

"Well what happens now?" Chuck piped up, the young boy looked on the verge of tears as though one sentence would trigger a colossal sea of tears as he grieves over Thomas's  untimely death.

"Well perhaps we could camp out here until the doors open?" I suggested nodding towards the doors, "And then when the doors open the next morning we can question the boys on what they saw and they can get help right away from the Medjacks".

Contemplating my decision, the group nodded in response before Teresa stepped forward shifting all her weight onto her left leg as she rolled her eyes mockingly.

"What if they don't come back (Y/n)!"  She snapped bearing her teeth at me like she was a rabid pack animal ready to kill it's prey.

"What if they're more than 300 metres away from the doors!, what If-!" She began before she was rudely cut of by Chuck.

"Look Teresa. (Y/n) she's trying to suggest something that may help so maybe listen to her?, I'm going to and I think everyone else should to" He explained waddling over to me as he took his place beside me.

A movement to my right made me flick my head around to see Mae striding over to the two of us, as she stood beside Chuck, flashing the younger boy a sneaky grin before transforming it into a serious expression.

"Teresa. Listen to (Y/n). This may help us tremendously so please" Mae begged placing her right hand on my shoulder as she gave it a gently squeeze of encouragement.

Sighing Teresa's hand ran itself through her hair before she opened her mouth to speak, "Fine whatever. Come on Chuck" She gestured to the boy, "Let's go grab some sheets" she exclaimed turning away from the crowd, gently jogging over to the towering Homstead.

Taking one last glance at the Maze doors I furrowed my brows together in concern, does this mean I was in charge?, the other Gladers seemed to be following my orders so does that possibly mean if was now the temporary leader of the Glade?.

"Before you even bloody ask Newt's second in command" A voice explained from my right, snapping my head around I saw Zart making his way up to me, ignoring the worried stares from surrounding Gladers.

"What?" I replied taking a step towards the Keeper of the Gardens.

"I can see by the sudden glint in your eyes. You've got the urge to be leader" Zart began shifting his weight onto his left leg, "Sorry to burst your bubble (Y/n) but Newt is second in command. If Alby happens to get himself in some sort of trouble Newt's the one to call" He explained placing his elbow on the rake he was probably using before he made his way over to us.

"Wait. How did you even figure that out that I was-" I began holding a hand up in front of Zart's face before the boy stopped me.

"Maybe I'm magic you'll never know" Zart replied, "But I've got a message from Gally to Newt" He continued reaching his hand up into the air attempting to catch Newt's attention.

Eventually after numerous attempts to get Newt's attention, the blonde headed boy flicked his head around, removing his right hand from his chin.

Yeah Zart?" the boy shouted steadily limping over to Zart ignoring me and the others as though we didn't exist at all in this universe.... great Newt was still mad at me.

"Gally wants you for a meeting" Zart explained darting his eyes from me to Mae before returning them to Newt, "It's about this whole shuck thing" He continued, his left hand reaching out to clasp itself over the blonde boys arm pulling him along slightly as though Zart was a small child begging for his mother to buy him a toy.

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