Chapter. 5: Secrets

Start from the beginning

She doesn't like you.

She hates you.

Without another word, I walk out of the club room. I catch a pink flash turning the corner of the hall.

"Natsuki wait!"

I start running towards her, and I quickly catch up to her.

"What do you want!" Natsuki spat, before turning around to see me, and expression of regret forming on her face immediately.

Yes Sayori, What do you want? To waste another 5 minutes of someone's life on yourself?

Be a burden like how you always are?

"What happened?" I didn't care right now. I was worried.


"I-I can't tell you..." Natsuki looked away, but I grab her hand and squeeze it gently. What is it that she isn't telling me?

Stop it.

"You can tell me anything." I said, but she still looked away, towards the end of the hall.

"Look, I just really get defensive sometimes, ok?! It's not like I can control it or anything." I let go of her hand, and her pink gaze met mine.

"Is it really?" Natsuki has been nice to me this whole time. When Monika showed up, it all changed.

"L+=ook it'^*s really^% late, if I don't gettt%=\ home'.-$# soon |\my dAd will kill€*\• me"

"Wait what?"

I suddenly got snapped back into the real world, as if I stopped exist for a second. What did she say?

Obviously you weren't listening? What kind of friend are you?

But I was! I really... really was...
What is wrong with me?

A lot of things.


I instantly panic, as I realize what I just screamed out loud. Natsuki looked at me with the same worried expression I gave her earlier.

"I will leave now, if it's ok with you..."

"Wait no!" I reach out to grab her, but she already ran away.

Screwed up once again.

"Please Natsuki!" I ran after her. We went down the stairs and into the main opening, before we both stopped, to see it raining outside.

"Sh*t" I hear Natsuki whisper.

Suddenly I realized I had an umbrella with me. I didn't remember taking it to school with me, but I could care less.
I manage to grab Natsuki by her arm, and instantly open the umbrella, without another word, and walked outside, dragging Natsuki along.

"...W-what are you doing?!" She looked at me.

"Walking you home, silly~" I gently smile "Wouldn't want you getting wet now, would I?"

Natsuki pauses and looked away for a second. "Thank you..."

She told me her address, and I continue to walk her home. It was cold, and she held tightly on my arm. I couldn't help but blush. I didn't even notice how cold it really was.

As soon as we reach her street, she suddenly pulls back. I looked at her confused, as she adjusts her uniform.

I wait for a response from her, and before I could react, she walks away from the waterproof shield that is my unbrella, and gets herself wet, showering in the raindrops as she keeps walking.


I quickly run up to her and pull her back under the umbrella, but she pushed me back.

"Sorry, I can't let my dad see you, he will get mad..." she said.

I couldn't tell if she was crying, or it was just the raindrops.

"W-why!?" I was surprised by these words, he can't do that!

"You wouldn't understand..." Natsuki continues walking. "Please go home now, it's getting dark." And with that she ran off.

I decided not to stop her again, since she might get mad.

You're a bad friend, Sayori.

Why won't she open up to me? I started getting really worried, as I made my way to my house, passing by MC's place.

Although I didn't even bother to look at it. All I could think of was Natsuki. The way she talked to me, it didn't make sense. Just like in the club room, it was fine for a momment, before all going down hill.

I reach out for my keys, and gently unlock my front door, stepping in and locking it back.

I throw my bag in the corner of the living room, and my my way upstairs to my room. I faceplant into the bed.

"What aren't you telling me, Natsuki?"
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A/N: Yes! Reached 1144 words this time! (Not including Autors Notes :3)
Anyways I hope you enjoy the story so far, it took a lot of courage to upload it, and I don't think I would have kept it if it wasn't for my best friend Girl_with_a_hoodie
(I also know her irl ;3)
So thank you very much, and also to my other friends out there because I know you're reading this even if you don't have a Wattpad account.
Love y'all~

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Love it when you blush! (Sayori x Natsuki)Where stories live. Discover now