Chapter. 5: Secrets

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Sayori POV

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"Sorry to interrupt you two..."


I snapped back to reality. How long has it been since we were reading?
I look up to see Monika standing over us. She looked tired.

"What is it?" Natsuki asked, a bit salty. I move away, noticing how close we were standing. How come I didn't notice? Monika seemed a Little confused, but I couldn't figure out why. I looked around the room, to see both Yuri and MC weren't here anymore.

Looks like he didn't even bother to ask you to walk home together.

I bet he couldn't care less.

And Monika's probably getting all of the wrong ideas right now.

So will Natsuki.


"Well, It's been quite a while and I was wondering if you two could maybe... you know..." I realized what she was was trying to ask us, as I glance over to the clock. It was getting late.

She must be tired of you already.

Forced her and Natsuki to stick for so long with someone like you?


It was scary for such a happy careless mood could just change so quickly. For as long as I was reading with Natsuki, is almost as if the time just stopped, and started again later. Bringing back worries.

'But Natsuki liked it didn't she??'

I glance over at her, but I couldn't read her expression.

"I get it Monika!" Natsuki stood up and closed the manga, as she hurried over to the closet to put it on one of the shelves. Was she angry? But soon I see her struggling to reach the top shelf, because of her short height. Not gonna lie, she does look kinda cute...

Eventually Monika got bored, and snatched the book from her and placed it herself. Comparing the two of them, Monika was much more taller.

"I could have done it myself!" Natsuki yelled.

Monika sighed and stared eachother down.

"She was just trying to help..." I got up, and walked over to them. I didn't get why Natsuki was like this all of the sudden. Just a momment ago we were peacefully reading.

Natsuki opened her mouth to talk back to me, but closed it back up.

Wow looks like she hates you too!

"Sorry..." Natsuki mumbled under her breath, as she closed the closet. And stormed out of the club.

I just couldn't see why she got so mad. Is it because of me?

Of course it is.

"Come on, Sayori." Monika fake smiled at me. I did it all the times, and I could easily tell when someone does it too.

Love it when you blush! (Sayori x Natsuki)Where stories live. Discover now