15. This was the End

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"You got what you were after, now pay up." Someone's voice rang in her ears.

"You're crying in the rain, pally." Someone else spoke.

Her eyes finally opened after she was out for a few minutes, trying to readjust her vision.

Her hands were tied. Struggling was useless, as the knot was too tight or maybe she was too weak from whatever happened.

"Look who's finally waking up over here," Said a third voice.

She blinked a couple of times, then she looked up to see a man in checkered suit and two Great Khans on either side of him. The man in the suit took a hit of his cigarette, dropped it, and put it out with his foot. She blinked a few more times, then she started to panic.

"Time to cash out."

"Would you get it over with?" The man on his right said. The man in the checkered suit silenced him, "Maybe Khans kill people without looking them in the face, but I ain't a fink, dig?"

Her heart dropped.

He reached in his coat pocket and removed the platinum chip, and holding it in front of her, "You've made your last delivery, kid," He sighed and put it back into his coat pocket, "Sorry you got twisted up in this scene," he pulls out a gun. She glances at it, then back to him.

"From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck," He aimed the gun at her head, "But, truth is...the game was rigged from the start."

Her heart skipped a beat, then he pulled the trigger the world going black.

So. This was it? Can't say it was the worst thing that happened to her.

Maybe, when she was sixteen. Yeah, the day she met that trader from New Reno. Elizabeth kissed her right on the mouth after a first date, and the next day the trader was burned in the town center for theft.

Or maybe it was the day she ran away from home. The only place she knew.

It didn't matter.

This was the end.

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