24|Busy Work

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(December 12th, 2012)

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(December 12th, 2012)

SARAH WALKED THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING SHE WORKED AT UNTIL SHE ARRIVED AT HER BOSS' OFFICE. The building was meant as a huge boutique for almost every fashion task while serving as a regular business center.

Her boss was somewhat bitchy in some people's eyes but she had to put up with her attitude until she was promoted high enough to replace the woman. After dealing with her for the moment, she was instructed to meet up with the infamous Tommy Lee once again.

He was in one of the measuring rooms, shirtless & was obviously being measures by a very willing employee. As Sarah had walked in, his signature smirk grew while her disgusted face began to form.

"Ah, Sarah! Lovely to see you" he greets as the woman is nearing the end of measuring his pants leg.

"Considering you asked me to, the pleasure is all yours Mr. Lee" she retorts, causing the actor to chuckle.

"Please drop the formalities darling, we are practically colleagues!"

"Sure" she replies sarcastically, already tired of the useless conversation. The woman finishes the measuring and Tom, of course, quickly flirts with her before she leaves the room. Soon enough, Sarah was onto her next task. He was to attend an interview about some new drama show he was to star in.

Sarah barely paid it any mind. It didn't matter all that much to her. She just continued what she needed to, attending to Tom & making she he doesn't make a fool of himself in or outside of the dressing room. Although, it was already proving difficult.


After an hour of even more annoying banter between the two, Sarah had attended to her phone. She had gotten a text from Amy, asking how work was going. She had said it was going fine and that nothing was currently burning in a garbage can, thanks to her, apparently.

And unbeknownst to her at the moment, Tom had seen her texts as he was bored when she was not responding to him. All he could see was 'Little Miss Perfect' saying that handling work would be a picnic.

"Who's Little Miss Perfect?" he asks out of pure curiosity. She puts her phone back in her pocket as soon as he speaks.

"No one" she lies, wanting to avoid any conversation with him about Amy.

"Well, it's someone" he retorts and continues to only ask about the contact in question. It begins to annoy Sarah even further, tired of the question. "C'mon, just tell me!"

"Hell no"

"Why not?" he asks playfully.

"Because it's none of your business?"

"If we're going to be working with one another, can't we get to know each other a bit?"

"First of all, we are not equal colleagues, I work for Leah. Second of all, I don't care about learning anything about you, I already know enough for fucks sake. Third of all, you don't deserve to know a single thing about me" she exclaims, staring him dead in the eye. He merely smirks at her statement and asks once again.

But soon, he was to star in his fated interview. He finally got dressed in one of signature suits and before he steps into it, he asks a slightly different question, "Does 'Little Miss Perfect' like murder shows?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Lee! You're up!" someone yells, calling for the charming devil of a man.


She watches as he cruises up to the platform and takes a seat across a female interviewer. And as the camera begins to roll, he quickly winks at her.

"1, 2, 3, now!"

"And here we are with the absolutely charming Tommy Lee! How are you, Tommy?"

"I am great! Now that I'm here"

"Oh, already pulling out those lines? I'm honored" she laughs, shuffling some papers. "So, we hear you're starring on some new drama, care to elaborate?"

"I would. My lovely agent Leah had looked into a variety of roles seeing as so many tv shows are coming out next year. Once I saw the script & such for it, I immediately jumped on the chance"

"Ooh, sounds quite interesting. Are you allowed to share the name of this show?"

"Yes, I am!" He smiles before starting again, "It's called Hannibal" he reveals, causing Sarah's eyes to go wide in surprise. Her left eye twitches, feeling like she should had expected this.

She then felt her phone ring with another notification to ask her if she'd be coming to the party seeing as the Hannibal cast wanted more people to come, liven it up a bit. There would be many producers and writers as well as many other actors since the party was also for everyone to be introduced. It was more fancy than expected.

She just texted back that she would be attending the party, hoping to meet someone not so infuriating. She put her phone back into her purse, deciding not to ruin a possibly great party with his appearance on the cast. She stared at him as he smirked and joked his way through the interview.


Tommy is honestly such a little shit

Tommy is honestly such a little shit

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