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"hey! gumdrop!" my friend called from the other side of the cafeteria. i turned my head around, and waved to her. she rushed over through everyone. "hey, gumdrop!" she spewed out, out of breath. 

"hey." i said back to her, standing in front of her crouched body. 

"tough run?" 

"yeah." we sat down outside on the grass. "so, gumdrop, what did you do over the summer?" gumdrop was my nickname, according to her. 

"nothing much. just worked another job for more money." i answered back to her, biting into my sandwich. 

"yay! you are being a man!" she laughed, smacking my shoulder. "but you are just in 6th grade, how did you get a job?"

"just walked mr. walker's dog and mowed some lawns." i answered. "cause my mom won't get a job during the summer. she wants to, 'focus on me'. what about you raindrop?" i asked. 

"well, i got you a present," she replied, happily. she pulled something out of her red backpack. it was in a paper bag. she handed it to me. "its from ireland." she said, smiling from ear to ear, stuffing her hands in her navy blue hoodie. i reached inside, giving her a confused look. i pulled an object out, it felt like glass. "it's a glass sheep!" she couldn't hold in her excitement. 

"wow..." i said, my eyebrows raised. 

"but thats not all!" she told me, taking it from my hands.

"ohhhh...?" i said to her. she took a key out of the paper bag, and stuck it inside of the glass sheep's mouth. i wondered what she was doing, so i moved my body closer to her's. half of the sheep's body popped off, and revealed a deep hole of m&m's. i grinned, and reached my fingers in to take one. i lifted my fingers, and clutched inside of them, was a chocolate m&m. i threw it into my mouth, and crunched down. she slammed the glass sheep closed, and asked, "so, gumdrop, what do you think?" she handed the glass sheep to me, and i revealed my teeth to her, which were covered in chocolate. she laughed so hard, she started to roll down the hill, and i rolled with her, chuckling loudly. 

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