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Callie POV

"I am not going to a party Mariana"

"Yes you are, Callie!" she yells back.

"you know it might be good for you, to meet some new people" Lena says, leaning out of the kitchen.

"fine" I mumble.

At The Party

I walk into the party, and it's only a couple of kids like the main popular girl, Corbyn and his friends, and Mariana and Jesus.

"Alright, who wants to play truth or dare?" this blonde girl yells.

I feel Mariana grab my arm, and she plops me on the floor and I result in sitting down on my foot "Ow! Mariana" I whine and she laughs "sorry" I roll my eyes and go to itch my lip, but get a sharp pain in response. I hiss in pain and remember there's a bad cut on-top of my bottom lip.

"alright! we are going to just choose who we want to challenge but we are going to use a bottle first to see who goes" she spins the bottle and it lands on Jesus.

"alright truth or dare?" she smile and he sighs.

"Wow, heather. i'm gonna go with truth" he laughs

"wuss. is it true, that you and lexi hooked up in the janitors closet?" he looks down and I see her have an evil smirk.

I have no idea who lexi is, but she must be jesus' girlfriend or something.

"yeah" he looks around and then spots Jack.

"okay, jack truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go and kiss Heather." jacks face falls immediately

guessing he doesn't like heather.

"fine" he walks over to heather and plants a good one on her.

"yuck" she screeches and he laughs.

"Heather truth or dare?" he asks her


"I dare you to go and take a shot of ketchup." she groans and we all follow her. she takes the ketchup and pours into a little, glass shot glass.

she puts it to her lips and takes it all at once. as she swallows it, we all groan and she stops herself from gagging.

we all go back and sit down and I groan, leaning back wanting to go back to the house.

"Callie. truth or dare?" I hear and I look up.

I look around and I immediately play with the bracelet that is wrapped around my left wrist.

"T-Truth." I mumble and I look up and I see her smiling

"is it true, that you're mom was a hoe and you're in a foster home with Jesus and Mariana?" she smirks and I immediately feel tears flood my eyes and I look around and I see Corbyn with a shocked look upon on his face, along with everyone else.

"Y-I have to go" I say and I run out of the house and I fall onto ground by the car, sobbing into my hands. I hear the opening of the storm door that front doors have and I look behind me and see Corbyn

"leave me alone" I sniffle and I sit up facing the woods

"I wanted to know if you were okay" he sits down next to me and I laugh sarcastically.

"do I look okay?" I say pointing to my face and he lightly smiles

"you look beautiful"

"shut up" I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

‼️ play now ‼️

"what happen back there, don't believe what she says." I sigh

"but what if it's true corbyn. what if I am staying in a foster home with Mariana and Jesus. what if my mom was a hoe?" I say looking up at him

"then it's true. no big deal to cry over" he sighs and I widen my eyes and stand up and he follows along

"Do you have ANY idea what it's like to be left at home watching over your little brother not knowing when your mom is coming home?" I say poking his chest

"yeah I do. I have a little brother and sister callie" I sigh and look up at him

"how many beds have you slept in?"

"3 my whole life" he says confidently.

"I lost count by the age of 13 and some I didn't even want to be in" I remember the horrid moments when i was forced onto those beds.

"y-you were ra-"

"I was raped corbyn. it happens to teenage girls in the foster system. I never felt safe in any bed after it happened and I was only 14." he goes to say something but I stop him.

"i've said too much and i barley know you. please don't" I run away and I see Mariana and Jesus getting into the car. I jump in and they look back at me

"hey, don't listen to her" jesus says. I shake my head and look out the window.

thank god tomorrow is Saturday...

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