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the ages will not match up all the way for the sake of the story. :)

Callie POV

it's the next day and Lena and Stef told me I had to go to school. Last time, I went to a public school was maybe in middle school and now i'm 17.

Mariana, I think that's what her name was? Told me that there's a group of boys that every girl drools over, but it's not like they date around. there's one named Jonah, who's a senior, Corbyn who's a junior, Daniel who is a Junior, Jack, who is a junior, and Zach who is a junior.

I'm the same age as Corbyn, Jack, Daniel, and Zach apparently.

"let's go!" Lena yells through out the house and I hear everyone run out the door and I slowly grudge behind them.

At The School

"you got your schedule callie?" lena asks as I get out of the car.

I scrunch my face up from the bright sun, directly in my face.


I shut the car door, I look around the school that's on this beach.

"Anchor Beach Community Charter School" I mumble and roll my eyes. I follow lena into the school and I see a bunch of eyes on me, and I put my head down.

"alright callie, have a seat here and i'll get someone to show you to your classes. we actually have a student that has most of your classes, so we are going to call them down" I sigh and slouch in my chair.

"Corbyn Besson, please report to the office." I roll my eyes realizing who corbyn is. and I see Lena eye me "are you sure, you don't want brandon to walk you around?" I shake my head and she sits down in her chair. a knock was placed at the door and I snap my head towards the door.

I see a tall teenage boy. with bleached hair that fades. he has a black book bag thrown over his shoulder, which a white and black hoodie and black pants. he had those very bright blue,yellow eyes.

"am I in trouble?" he asks.

I look over at lena and she laughs. "no, I just need you to show callie around. she is new and you have a majority of your class, just you don't have math together. neighboring classrooms."

"sure, I could show her around all day." he smiles and I roll my eyes.

"alright callie, be on your best behavior and i'll see you back home tonight" she smiles and I shoot her a small smile back.

I feel like I could trust her because she could've just put me in the group home, but she didn't. she wants to know, she isn't forced.

"alright, so let's find your locker" corbyn says taking the white paper from my hands. he starts walking and I follow him.

"well, all of our lockers are assigned by our home rooms. you're locker is right here" he says stopping in-front of a red locker 134.

"thanks" I say looking at my combination and opening it right up. I throw my book bag in and I get my notebook and pencil.

"ready?" he asks closing his locker which was three down from mine. I sigh and look around.

"I guess" he laughs.

we go to our homeroom and I see everyone's eyes on us. I sit down in a seat and I put my head down. "this is gonna be a long day" I mumble.


I walk outside where everyone has lunch. everyone has their little cliques. the popular girls, the popular boys, nerds, goths, and the nobody's.

i'm part of the nobody's.

I sit at an empty table and I see Mariana and Brandon with their friends. of course, Mariana is part of the popular girls and brandon is next to whom I am guessing is his girlfriend. and corbyn is part of the popular boys.

"Callie" I hear and I look behind me and I see Corbyn calling me over to a group of four other boys.

I groan and get up. I walk over and I see corbyn smirking at me. "what" I ask bluntly.

"since you're new here. I wanted to introduce you to my friends." I cross my arms and tap my foot wanting to go back home.

"This is Jonah" he is very tall with shaggy brown hair.

"this is daniel" he has a cute tooth gap. light brown hair. and beautiful blue eyes.

"jack" very curly hair and a very big smile

"zach" I laugh a little. he has very rosy cheeks and very high hair.

"i'm callie" I go to turn around but I feel corbyn hands grab my arms.

"sit down" he says pushing me between jack and daniel. I sigh and they are all quiet.

"well tell us about yourself callie" I furrow my eyebrows. what do I tell them? i'm adopted? no.

"i'm from here, so San Diego. I have a little brother named Jude. thats all I can tell you" they sigh and I see corbyn about to say something but the bell rings.

I immediately pick up my books and get up quickly, before any of them could talk to me. I walk to my locker and I quickly try to open it, but knowing me. I get it wrong twice. I breathe in and I see corbyn going to his locker. I put in my combination, open my locker, latch on my book bag, and shut my locker door.

as I am walking, I look behind me and I see Corbyn running up to me. I quickly sprint down the hallway and outside. I see Lena getting ready to leave but I quickly wave her down "can I get a ride back, I don't feel like walking. my back is kind of sore" she smiles at me and waves me in "of course" I smile lightly and get into the car, throwing my book bag in first.

w/c 1004

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