I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"Ever since I found out, I just stayed quiet about it, knowing that the idea of falling for a human was... Not normal. I thought that if I just didn't mention it, that it would just go away but I just kept getting more and more captivated with you. With every single thing about you." The words were just coming out of my mouth at this point, not even passing through my mind, "I just kept falling deeper and deeper into it not even trying to stop. I started picturing you in my life from here on out, searching for ways to let you be with me forever."

I stopped for a moment, trying to recollect my thoughts, only then noticing the tight feeling in my chest.

I took a deep breath noticing how Khloe's tense position had relaxed ever so slightly, her eyes still wide with wonder.

"The thought of losing you made me lose my mind, the thought of you in pain or upset made me angry. It got to the point that the only things that would remedy those thoughts would be hearing your laugh or seeing your smile." I couldn't help but smile and laugh a bit myself as I finished that sentence, "I couldn't get you off of my mind no matter how much I tried."

I cleared my throat, switching my voice back to a serious tone.

"I guess that when you told me about how you had begun to view me as something other than your Master and viewed yourself as something more than a pet... and then continued to explain how ridiculous it was when I felt the exact same way... I guess that was just the only way I could show how I felt at that moment."

Thinking back to it...

The way that she melted into my touch. The way she held onto me to keep me close to her. The way her hands lingered on me even after the kiss.

All of which were good signs, but could have all just been actions from the heat of the moment.

I wasn't at all certain about how she felt about all of this.

I glanced at her, seeing her concentrated expression as she looked down at the sheets, pondering over my words.

It was then that I realized just how nervous I was.

How anxious I was for her response.

I had never felt like this towards anyone for as long as I've lived, and I was absolutely terrified of messing this up, now that my one chance was here.

My body stiffened as Khloe shifted on the bed, hanging her legs off of the side while she timidly fidgeted with her hands.

"S-So," She spoke quietly before she cleared her throat, "So you would... do it again?" she asked, looking up at me with an almost hopeful look in her eye.

My heart immediately began to race.

I wasn't at all expecting that to be her response, but the fact that it was filled me with an odd sense of relief.

Happiness almost. Excitement.

I took that as a very good sign.

I couldn't even stop myself from taking another step towards her, now only a bit more than an arm's length away from her.

Luckily, I was still able to restrain myself from just scooping her up and capturing her lips right there and then.

It took me a moment to compose myself enough to speak without sounding too eager.

"Without a doubt Khloe. But if I did it again, I'm not sure if I could get myself to stop." I spoke honestly, effectively surprising her again.

I watched as her hands clenched and unclenched, her breaths hitched, her eyes drifted from mine, and the color that was beginning to tint her cheeks.

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