Chapter 12 (Part One) - Roses of Understanding

Start from the beginning

"They deserve a good lesson. Who organizes these antics, who participates at them and who allows them. How disgusting." Was she angry with those people too? Maybe she had someone buried there. He eliminated that option as soon as he realized that the girl had stopped right in front of his mother's grave, and his. For a certain period of time he was buried too, but as usual he managed to return.

"Poor woman." Jasmine whispered, referring to Pamela.

Next to the woman's headstone was a second one, Jason's. Both were rather shabby and covered with moss and climbing plants. Evidently no one took care of them as they deserved.

It was a rather sad image, despite what mother and son had done. All the tombstones, except the oldest ones, were well kept, clean and with fresh bunches of flowers nearby. All but their two.

Jasmine would have changed things, she had gone there specifically. She lowered herself and placed the flowers on the grass, in order to have her hands free to give a summary clean to the place. She lifted up the remains of plants and peeled away some moss that had begun to cover the writing, then split the bunch of roses into two. In the bouquet there were 13, so he put 7 to Pamela and 6 to Jason, knowing that he was anything but dead.

"You know why I took the pink ones, Finn?" She asked his dog, sure that he was the only one able to understand her actions. He looked at her, tilting his head. "Pink roses are a symbol of understanding." She was actually talking to herself, trying to convince herself even more that she was doing something good for someone, and that it would not bring bad consequences.

"What they did is not right, but it is understandable" She continued "I can not imagine how it can be to lose a child or a mother."

But Jasmine knew that most likely, if she were in Pamela and Jason's situation, she would do the same. When nobody helps you, he thought, it is normal wanting to do justice alone. It wouldn't be right, but it's the first thing you would think about.

Jason continued to look at her, curious at first, then when he saw that she stretched out her hands to her mother's headstone, he was agitated for a moment, mainly because he could not see what she was doing from his position. But from what she was saying she did not look like a bad girl with bad intentions. Eventually she also placed the flowers on their graves, one full and the other empty.

But why behave like that? He really could not understand it. From that day on, no one had ever done anything like that, anything kind to him, or to his mother. Jasmine not only had smiled to him, when he evoked at best grimaces of fear or disgust in general, now she had brought him flowers to the cemetery. And not some wild flowers, as he sometimes brought, but roses. He had heard that they mean "understanding." But understanding of what? Was she trying to tell him that she understood him? No, impossible. Jason was firmly convinced that no one could understand what he felt or what he did. This is why people kept coming and disturbing them, they did not understand. They did not even understand that they were going to die, how could they understand everything else?

In any case, that girl confused him and it started to make him nervous. But on the other hand that intrigued him more and more. And then she was building something, she had told him to go that night to her house. Jason would have received a surprise, just in time for his birthday. It remained only to hope, both for him and for her, that it was something that he would like. He had not celebrated his birthday for years; it was a day of killing like any other. And then, even if he wanted, with who would he celebrate, since he was alone?

He came from his thoughts when he noticed that Jasmine was leaving. Initially he planned to follow her, but then he thought it was better to look for the group of tourists. He loved his mother more than anything else in the world, but always having her angry voice in his head was not a pleasant thing. He preferred when he complimented him instead. After all, Jason was not so different from any other child.

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