Chapter 98

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Evan P.O.V.

"So those are all the places you'll be traveling to this month and next month. Your flight to Canada leaves tonight. You'll be there for a couple days then headed to California. I'll be checking in to see how the meetings go. Zoey will be joining you on your trips so if you need anything rely on her," my father said.

I didn't object I just took my father's orders and left his office.

I left the office building after my morning meeting with my father.

He wasn't the least bit pleased with Jasmine's talk with my mother. I had no clue what Jasmine said to my mother but my father said my mother wasn't happy with him.

She apparently said I shouldn't be put under so much pressure at work when I have a newborn at home. That I shouldn't fear I won't get my father's position once he retires because it's my birthright.

My father said birthright or not if I don't follow what he says for the next two months I won't be getting that boss position.

When I left the office and as I drove home I felt sick.

Jasmine shouldn't have run her mouth to my mother. What I told her should have just stayed between us.

Now our situation was worse. I was going to be traveling nonstop until January and she'd be left alone at home.

I got back home thirty minutes later and parked my car in the garage. A driver would be picking me up in the next few hours so I could catch my flight to Canada.

I got out of my car and locked it. I went inside the house and headed straight upstairs.

I had to talk to Jasmine about all this.

I walked down the hall and into the nursery. Jasmine was changing Deacon's diaper.

"You're such a cutie. You're such a sweet boy," Jasmine gushed as she tickled Deacon.

Seeing Jasmine and Deacon warmed my heart no matter what. That's my girl and my son. That's my family.

But right now I couldn't be in a happy mood when my father just threw a grenade at my happiness.

"Hey can we talk," I said as I came up beside Jasmine.

I placed my arm around her and she looked over surprised to see me.

"Daddy's home really early. I think daddy missed us," Jasmine said as she picked up Deacon.

"We need to have a serious talk in our bedroom now," I said more sternly.

"Ok," Jasmine said.

She put Deacon down in his crib then followed me to our bedroom.

Jasmine walked into our bedroom first then I closed the door behind us.

"Was a serious talk code for lets get naked," Jasmine joked as she wrapped her arms around me.

"No I was serious," I said pissed as I moved her arms from around my neck.

"Ok... what's up babe?" Jasmine asked.

I began pacing as I loosened my tie.

"What did you say to my mother about my work life?" I asked.

"Nothing... really," Jasmine said.

"Jasmine I'm serious what did you tell my mother about my father and work!" I said on edge.

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