Chapter 91

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Evan P.O.V.

"I understand that Jasmine is still fragile and wants you around twenty four seven but I need you at the office. If you plan to take over the company you can't run it here at home and that's just a fact," my father said.

My father and I stood in the kitchen entryway while Jasmine and my mother sat in the living room.

Today Claudette and George were being sentenced but Jasmine didn't want to go to the courthouse. We stayed home and my parents came over instead.

I thought they would be here to see their grandson as well as Jasmine and me.

But it seemed my father and a different motive for visiting.

"Dad, Jasmine isn't comfortable staying alone yet and I will not abandon her. I've been taking care of business from here and having Zoey send or bring over anything important that couldn't be sent in an email," I said.

"Yeah I know but Evan your presence is needed in the office. I have some important investor meetings coming up this week and you need to be in attendance. I also have an important meeting that you need to take on my behalf in New York next week," my father said.

"Dad there is no way I can leave town right now," I said.

"Do you or do you not want to run the company! If you've changed your mind about continuing the family business let me know now so I can find someone to fill the position," my father threatened.

"Dad you know I want to run the company but right now... I just need some time is all," I explained.

"Well you're running out of time. My retirement is two months away and you're either taking the or I'm handing them over to someone else. It's your choice," my father said giving me an ultimatum.

My father walked off and joined Jasmine and my mother in the living room.

I stood in confusion of what to do. I know Jasmine needs me here but I also have work obligations that are starting to need my attention too.

I didn't want my father hiring someone else to run the company. I wanted to run the company but I didn't want to leave Jasmine and Deacon when they needed me most.

If I went back to working at the office outside of the home I would feel guilty.

I also couldn't leave town and go to New York right now.

Why couldn't my father take his own meeting or do it via skype?

I walked into the living room and saw Jasmine watching my mother intently as she held Deacon.

"Jasmine you and Evan haven't been out on a date since you gave birth. What if my husband and I watch our handsome grandson while you two spend the night alone," my mother suggested.

"No... it's fine," Jasmine said.

"Come on Jasmine give my wife and I alone time with our grandson while you get alone time with our son," my father said slightly suggestively.

"It's only been a month! Evan and I enjoy staying at home with our son. Besides Deacon doesn't want to be out of our sight. Isn't that right sweet boy?" Jasmine said as she reached for our son.

My mother handed Deacon back to Jasmine.

Jasmine smothered Deacon with kisses then stood up.

"It's time for our growing boy to eat. It's been nice seeing you Mr. and Mrs. Sharp," Jasmine said as she excused herself.

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