"Sir we've done all we can do," the doctor said.

"No you haven't!" I shouted as I punched the wall.

How could I lose my son and Jasmine all in one night?

How would I ever recover from this loss?

I woke up in a cold sweat.

I sat up in bed and saw the other side empty as usual.

I got out of bed knowing I had the same horrible dream I've had for the last month.

A month ago I almost lost everything. My newborn son and Jasmine.

Luckily both were found and saved.

I remember getting the tip we needed and rushing over to Claudette and George's house.

When I got there with the police Jasmine was being wheeled out on a stretcher. She was unconscious and had lost so much blood.

There were neighbors all along the sidewalk watching as things unfolded. One neighbor gave us good details on how Claudette and George rushed off with a baby.

The police put out an APB for George and Claudette. They were stopped on a highway with my son in the backseat.

My newborn was brought to the hospital. I still remember when I saw my son for the first time.

He was a fair skin tone. He had a head full of brown hair and blue eyes. He was my mini me.

As for Jasmine it was hours before I got an update on her surgery. All the waiting put me out of my mind.

After my son had been checked out and given the all clear they put him in the nursery just so he could be watched overnight. I remember standing at the glass just watching my son in that nursery.

My mother, my father, and Jasmine's Grandmother were all there beside me.

I walked into the nursery in my house and found just who I was looking for.

Jasmine was sitting in the rocking chair holding our son Deacon.

We named him Deacon Sharp.

He's a month old today.

Ever since Jasmine and him came back to me safely I haven't really left their side. Yeah I've had work but I've been working from my home office.

Jasmine on the other hand has been sleeping in the nursery with our son every night.

I always wake up in bed alone and come to find her holding Deacon while rocking in the rocking chair.

"Babe come back to bed. You need to get some sleep," I said.

Jasmine ignored me like she always does when I tell her to come to bed.

She rubbed Deacon's back as his head rested on her shoulder.

After Jasmine and the baby made it through and I brought them home I had the security system in our home updated.

I changed the gate and alarm codes.

I got new cameras installed inside and out.

If even a cat were to come on our property I'd know.

I had an app on my phone and ipad so I could always check every camera.

It might have seemed like overkill but I couldn't be too safe. I almost lost the two most important people to me.

"Baby he needs his rest and you do too," I reasoned.

"We're resting fine right here. Go get your sleep Evan I'm fine," Jasmine said.

"Jasmine it's been a month. I'm just as overprotective as you but it's not healthy for you to sleep in here with him in your arms every night," I said.

"If I'm in here with him every night I know he's safe and no one can take him! You more than anyone should understand where I'm coming from," Jasmine said as she glared at me.

I walked out of the nursery and down the hall.

I grabbed a few pillows and blankets out of the hall closet.

I went back into the nursery and made a bed for Jasmine and I on the floor.

"Evan what are you doing?" Jasmine asked.

"If you are going to keep sleeping in here then I'll be in here too. But you can't keep sleeping in that chair. It's not good for your back. Come on," I said.

I reached for my son and Jasmine hesitantly handed him over to me.

I put Deacon in his crib since he was already asleep.

I then got Jasmine to lay down with me on the floor. She had a hard time lying down. He kept popping up to look over in the crib.

"Jasmine he's fine. He's with us. He's safe," I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

I kissed the back of her neck and pulled her down to lay with me.

"I know I should calm down but I can't. Every night when I close my eyes I just see them taking him from me when I gave birth. I remember losing consciousness and fearing that I'd taken my last breath. Fearing that I'd never see our son or you ever again," Jasmine cried.

"Shh. Baby I'm here. Our son is here. I've got you both and no one I mean no one will ever hurt either of you ever again. I swear baby," I said as I held Jasmine in my arms.

"I was so scared. All I wanted was you and they just wouldn't call you. I didn't want to give birth the way I did. They took away our special moment of bringing our first child into the world," Jasmine cried.

"I know and the judge knows that too. You know their sentencing is tomorrow," I said.

"Yeah... but I don't think I can go. I can't see their faces. It was hard enough testifying against my sister and her husband in open court. I never thought my own sister would kidnap me and try to steal my son. I'm surprised by George's actions too. I've known George since he and my sister were in high school. He was always like a brother to me. For him and my sister to just flip like they did... I just never thought they'd do to me what they did," Jasmine said distressed.

"You don't have to go tomorrow if you don't want to. I'll go and make sure they get the maximum sentence," I said.

"No," Jasmine said as he held on tightly to me.

"Shh... it's ok. I won't leave if you don't want me to," I said as I held her and kissed her forehead.

"No we'll either all go as a family or stay here. But we're never splitting up. It's one thing when I know you're in our bedroom or in your home office. But you can't just leave us here alone and vulnerable," Jasmine said slightly fearful.

Jasmine will not say it but I know that whole ordeal she went through haunts her. She fears our son will be stolen or she'll be kidnapped again and I won't be there.

That's why I've been working from home. That's why she hasn't really left the house since being released from the hospital with Deacon. That's why she comes into his nursery every night and holds him until the sun comes up.

"Shh. It's ok baby. It's ok. You're safe and right here in my arms. I got you and nothing is every going to happen to you two ever again," I cooed.

I know Jasmine has some healing to do. I'd never rush her healing process after all she went through that night she brought our son into this world.

My girl is so strong even if she doesn't know it or feel like she is. Jasmine gave me the best gift in life and I'll always love her for that.

I will love her and kindly and let her heal at what ever pace she sees fit. 

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