"Well you two get to know each other," my father said as he left us alone.

"Come into my office," I said as I let her walk in ahead of me.

Zoey looked around my office in awe.

"So what's your story? How did you land the job?" I asked trying to start up a conversation.

"Oh I... I don't know," she shrugged.

"Well it's not everyday a senior in high school becomes an assistant for an billionaire," I said.

"Y-You- You're a billionaire?" Zoey stuttered.

I leaned against my desk and chuckled.

"Yeah. But don't tell anyone," I joked.

"Honestly I've never been out of the hood," Zoey said as she kept looking around my office.

"Sit down," I said.

Zoey and I went and sat on my couch.

She told me how she grew up bouncing around from foster home to foster home. She said when she was twelve her aunt took her in... on her mother's side.

She didn't want to get into the history of her parents or how she ended up in foster care so I didn't push.

She was an A+ student and said she was on honor roll and that's how she got recommended to a straight out of high school job program.

She said her teacher put in a good word and got her recommended to my family's company. I remember my father having high school or college interns around but Zoey needed a job that paid not an internship so that's how she got the assistant job.

I've had assistants before but they never stuck. I just liked managing my own schedule because I can be a little bit of a control freak at times.

"So you've heard my story what's yours Mr. Billionaire? Got a wife made of plastic and two kids. Typical billionaire lifestyle I take it," Zoey judged with no filter.

"Actually no. I'm not into Barbie dolls. My fiancée I all natural and currently pregnant with our first child. Here let me show you a picture," I said as I pulled out my phone.

I showed Zoey a recent picture of Jasmine.

Zoey seemed shocked when she saw the photo.

"I wouldn't have thought a guy like you would be into darker skinned women. If anything I would have expected you with a light skinned sister if you even were into women of color. It's nice to see a man in your position open to all ethnic groups," Zoey said.

"Thanks..." I said unsure of how to take her words.

"What does she do?" Zoey asked.

"She's in school for a degree in communications. She's interested in marketing and advertising. She's here today acaully. I'll introduce you," I said.

"Cool," Zoey said.

"Well I guess we should go over my schedule and discuss what is expected of you in this position. Just because your eighteen doesn't mean I'll take it easy on you," I said.

"I wouldn't want special treatment," Zoey said.

Zoey and I started discussing my expectations and it seemed like she was going to be a good assistant. She didn't seem like an immature eighteen year old. She had a maturity to her that I liked.

Jasmine P.O.V.

"You have great ideas. You don't mind if I use some of them. I'll make sure Evan and his father know you are the master mind," Landon said.

"It's fine," I said.

"When do you graduate? We could use you here full time. You have fresh ideas Jasmine that could help us market the company in a whole new way. I think we could even get more investors from overseas markets with your ideas. Which means more revenue for the company. I know Evan and his father are going to love that," Landon said.

"I just started back with school so I have at least four years before I get my degree. But maybe I could work here part time or something," I suggested.

"That would be great," Landon said.

I wrapped things up with Landon then headed to Evan's office to see if we could get lunch. I was starving.

I walked down to Evan's office and knocked on the door.

I walked in and saw him sitting on his couch just chatting with some young girl.

"Hey babe," I said.

"Zoey this is-

"Jasmine. Her picture doesn't do her justice. Girl your pregnancy glow is on point," the young girl said to me.

"Thanks..." I said.

"Jasmine this is my new assistant Zoey. Zoey this is my fiancée Jasmine. Jasmine Zoey is a senior in high school. She's going to be working here during college," Evan explained.

"Oh well nice to meet you," I said.

"Nice to meet you too," Zoey said.

Zoey and Evan both stood up.

The young girl was pretty but seemed rough around the edges. Not what I would have expected for Evan's assistant. But I wasn't complaining.

"I was thinking we could get lunch now... I'm hungry babe," I said to Evan.

"Sure. Lets go I want to hear all about how this morning went with the marketing team," Evan said.

"Oh it was great I can't wait to tell you everything," I said.

"Well it was nice meeting you Jasmine and I can't wait to start working here Evan," Zoey said.

"It was great getting to know you Zoey. I look forward to having you as my assistant," Evan said.

Zoey left Evan's office and Evan and I left shortly after her.

I couldn't wait to tell Evan about all the ideas Landon and I went over. I also wanted to hear more about his new assistant. 

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