"I'm good I don't need a half ass apology from either of them. No apology will ever erase what that asshole said to you. I don't want people like that around my child," I said.

"Evan they were grieving the loss of their child," Jasmine tried to reason.

"That's no excuse for what he said and how he acted!" I argued.

"Evan they're my family..." Jasmine said as if that meant a damn thing.

If they were her family why were they so rude to her all the damn time?

Why aren't they more supportive and worried about her happiness?

"So? They don't act like it," I said.

"Families fight," Jasmine still tried to stick up for them.

She was starting to get on my nerves defending them. They might be her so called family but it's not like they wish her well.

"Families also become distant if they're toxic. I don't want those two around my child or even you," I said sternly.

"But Evan-"

"It's final Jasmine! The answer is no to dinner with them and I don't accept any apology from that prick George," I said.

"Babe," Jasmine said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

She knows her touch gets to me and her soft tone but I wasn't budging on this.

"Jasmine I will always protect you with everything in me. You're going to be my wife. I told you when we first got together I will never sit back and let anyone hurt you that includes your so called family. Your Grandma is welcome in this home and around our son but your sister and her dumbass husband aren't. You and I are family now and that should be what's most important," I said.

"It is important but she's my sister," Jasmine said.

"I'm going to be your husband... I'm your child's father," I said as I rubbed her belly.

I leaned up and pecked Jasmine's lips.

She sighed as she kissed me back.

"I really wish we could all find some common ground and get along," Jasmine said.

"We have my parents... you have my family now. My parents love you and would never disrespect you the way your sister and her husband have," I said.

Jasmine nodded and I pecked her lips again.

"Are we in agreement? Your sister and her husband aren't to ever be in this home or around our son," I said.

"Yes," Jasmine agreed without hesitation.

"Good," I said as I kissed her.

Jasmine got up and grabbed some plates then our food.

We ended up having a good dinner after having that serious discussion.

Jasmine P.O.V.

I slipped out of Evan's hold and out of bed. He was fast asleep and it was around midnight.

We had a good dinner then just chilled and watched television before going to bed.

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and walked out of the bedroom.

I went downstairs into the living room to call my sister.

Since I spoke with Evan about making amends with my sister and George and he refused to see them I thought it was best to tell her his decision.

I sat on the couch and dialed my sister's number.

"Hello," she answered.

"Hey. I hope it's not too late to call," I said.

"No its fine. What's up... you talk to Evan?" Claudette asked.

"Yeah I talked to him... he doesn't want you two around. I told you he wasn't in much of a forgiving mood," I said.

"Well you're still my sister so I guess I'll just see you when he's not around.... As well as my nephew," Claudette said.

"Actually... for now I think it's best we just keep our lives separate. I'm going to focus on my new baby and my wedding. I'm just going to worry more about the family I'm building with Evan," I said.

"So what you're just going to forget about the family you had before you landed a billionaire?" Claudette said offended.

"Claudette it's not like that and you know it," I said.

"Then what's it like! We're blood and you're choosing Evan over me!" Claudette argue.

"Well that's rich coming from you considering you always choose any and everyone over me and I'm your blood! Does Alison ring any bells?" I argued.

"Whatever Jasmine. Enjoy the high life until it runs low! Evan will leave you one day or cheat! You just wait and see! You'll be running back to your REAL family sooner than you think," Claudette said bitterly before she hung up on me.

I didn't understand why she was so angry. I was just putting my family first like she'd done when she married George.

I wasn't about to feel guilty for doing what I knew in my heart was right.

Evan is going to be my family now and I much rather work on building a solid foundation with him then patching up the already broken one with my sister and George. 

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