"that was... a long night.." phone started, I gave him a glance. half pissed off at the fact that i had no sleep and half happy he was still here. 

"Yeah, I had a few moving animals out there!" I called back, he immediately gave me a worried look, I could feel the worry in his eyes, the way he looked at me, it was full of worry... almost leaking it. yet, before he could say anything I continued, "we should probably tell the others and give a report.." 

he glanced to the group as I said so, reminding him they were still here. although they had been sleeping peacefully and we had our hearts in our necks. he gave a low sigh before nodding his head, noticing me that he understood what i had explained.  he looked back up and gave a sly smile, making me give a questionable look back.

"you going to spend all day up there?" he asked in a joking manner, looking me right in the eye.  I couldn't help but give a small chuckle at his remark. I jump down from the tree's branch, landing next to him, making him stumble back a little bit. giving a small smile and evil laugh I look at him, right in the eye.  

"you really think that?" I gave out in a yawn, thinking how dramatic I was being. He responded with the shrug of his shoulder, then turned to minute walking out of the tent. I couldn't help but curve my lips, I don't know why. i think from having such a long night and seeing the others made me feel better.

narrator pov (I kinda like writing in this because its easier for me)

as minute walked out of the tent he was greeted by sparrow, who had big bags under her eyes, and phone, who looked more pale than normal. They probably looked like this from the lack of sleep. Nonetheless, he marched on to say morning to them.

back in the tent, latch had just been awoken from the sudden talking from the others. he groaned as he reached his hand to his head, he hadn't slept well that night. that buttery feeling from inside his throat made him unable to sleep. latch rolled over hoping the feeling would leave him when he heard a soft grunt. 

latch opened his eyes to see spider sleeping. this is when latch froze, he didn't like spider and frankly, this was because he thought spider didn't like him at all. 

latch slowly and silently got up, careful not to wake him. When he started to hear shifting from spider, this made latch work faster and with no time to waste, he was soon out of the tent. 

Latch went on to day good morning to the othes who were happily having a nice convosation.

The last one to wake up was spider. Who was soon up due to latch making so much noise. So not long after spider came out. Yet he didn't even try to say good morning.  You noticed this but you thought maybe it was his personality. Though to you it did look as though he had a worried face on, a very worried face.

You wanted to ask him 'whats up' or 'how did you sleep?' But you felt like that was too obvious. So you missed your chance. Maybe you could talk about it when you tell everyone about the night? That brought the memories flooding back and you couldn't stop them.

You felt,  trmatised from that night. Yet compared to tbe movies, it wasn't bad at all. There is still a chance it could be some wild animals for all that you know. Or the creature, who knows, maybe something worse!

"So how did you sleep latch?" Phone asked, giving latch a morning form a glance.

"It was a rough night.." latch breathed out. He brought his hand to the front of his head, rubbing it.

"Well you got sleep so thats good!" You joked, remembering this could be the perfect way to chane the subject. "Oh, that brings me to last night..." minute looked at you, his leader sense showing in his eyes.

At first you kinda felt scared to tell them because phone was so pale it looked unhealthy. Could it be possible thats from getting less sleep than me? And not from fear?

"It could just be some wild animals.." phone continued causing everyone to look at him. Phone looked at you, wanting you to continue. You did.

"I thought I saw movement from the creature but it's likely it was just some wild animals." You huffed. Thinking it was animals made you feel better and safer. Even though it might not be the truth.

"You sure it was an animal. Like positive it is an animal?" Minute commented.

"Im sure.." you said trying to believe what you had said. Latch nodded his heaf while spider sat there and listened.

"Oh my side of the camp there were noises and a... a fee movements.." phone said with worry. He glanced at you before continuing "It happened twice before it left or something.. I didn't get to see it because it was so far off... I dont know what it was."

This put eveyone on edge. Perhaps it was the creature or maybe some animal i mean you are in a forest. You just hoped to write more in that notebook about your night. Maybe phone could as well.
You have to do a report along with everyone else. You had to report back in a notebook...

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