a little twist in destiny II; i accept my destiny

Start from the beginning

"Shh, it's okay sweetie." I felt Vanessa's soft hands rubs my back soothingly as my Mom squeezed my shoulder in comfort. "Y/N, you don't need to doubt yourself when we all know that you've done enough. And you can't blame yourself for not being enough for her when you're already enough for us. We can't blame her for wanting more other than you because we can't control her emotion, it's her fault that she didn't even realize all your worth and your love is more than enough to anything combine. Don't ever doubt yourself. You are more than enough, and if she can't see it, we do. I am here for you every step of the way alright?." Vanessa spokes ever so softly, making myself to be calm a little as her voice and warmth maked me feel lightheaded of how overwhelming it came to me.

"Vanessa is right. I know you're a strong person, baby boy. Don't ever doubt yourself. I'm here for you too as always Y/N. Don't mind her because she want more, i know your there to give her everything but she'd made a mistake and look for something new other than you." Mom added, as she kisses the top of my head. "Just remember, you are more than enough than all the cruel things in this world that may gives. Chin up and be proud you are in pain and use it as your weapon that someday you'll know and she'll know she lost something as great." Mom and Vanessa gaved me a big hug as I ignored feeling suffocated, and I kept it all just to feel at easr for a moment, feeling my tears can't be stop as I sobbed happily, grateful to have my Mom and Vanessa in my life.

Our moment is interrupted when someone suddenly barged in through the door, panting and holding himself up at the door frame while his other hand cluthed three bags as I assumed they contain food in it of how I immediately smell the delicious food making my stomack growl in emptiness.

Ray asked, when he catch his breath. "What did I miss?"

"A lot actually. But you do now see the great blue sea waterfalls."



But as days had passed, instead of finding myself drank out of my mind like my age usually do. Mom bugged me to stay with her for a couple of days, as she don't want me to be alone and such, but I know her too well, she just missed me so much. And as promise, Vanessa didn't let a day go by not letting me missed the day me we layed on my bed, but I'd missed her so much when she's far away doing a photoshoot with New Navy while I told them I'll be back in jiffy and I didn't lie when I said I ain't feeling well. But I find myself at the beach, laughing and talking about the stupidest thing my mind ever thought as Vanessa just agreed with what I am babbling about. She's listening intently as she gaze upon my eyes, those sparkles of her eyes with astonishment filled those blue-green orbs that lured me into falling inlove and into those universe of love she pulled me in. And those hands that pulled me out of the darkness of my past and hold my cheeks to be in the moment to focus of what's up ahead. I think my heart is gradually healing up but I still haven't found my closure with Camila.

As the silence were filled with the waves slapping against the shore and the sun soon be hidden behind the ocean. I played around the sand as Vanessa leaned her head against my shoulder.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Vanessa hummed, as I still looked down at my hands.

I chuckled, wiping my hand at my pants after I did, I ran it towards my long hair. "I don't think penny could even gave justice of what I am thinking about right now."

Vanessa looked at me, pulling my head down to meet her wondering gaze. "Then what is?" I sighed, as my heart thump loudly against my chest and the butterflies roamed around my tummy.

"A little bit of closure and a more of loving from you." I smiled widely, when she hide her blushing cheeks on my shoulder, groaning while pinching my sides.

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