Chapter 1

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Harry's POV


"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" she flusters. She was beautiful. I've never seen her before, but I think this might be a sign. "No problem. I didn't catch your name though." I say trying to forget about all the pages she knocked into a puddle next to the sidewalk. She looks up at me with soft eyes. "
...but most people call Mandy." She says holding out her hand for me to shake. "And you?" She questions. I look away from my deep stare, and feel my face get hot. "Harry," I say in a low tone and shake her hand. Her eyes are blue, but not a normal blue. They have a hint of gray in them, and definitely a sparkle. Her luscious hair is a beautiful blonde color, with a dark under tone. She's perfect. "Well, uhm see you around hopefully." I stutter and break my thoughts about her. "Yeah hopefully." She answers in a confused way. Her voice is like a song. Beautiful. Everything about her is gorgeous. She hands me wet papers, and says sorry again for crashing into me. She walks away in a fast pace, and glances back a few times. I smile, not helping my thoughts. The thoughts of her being mine one day.

It's the first day of college, and I can't help but hope that I have her in my classes. I go to my Creative Writing class first, wishing she's there. I walk into the class, glancing, hoping she's here. I go to my usual middle row spot, disappointed that she's not here. The Professor introduces himself as Professor Day, and gives us a quick writing assignment. I am happy that I get to do what I love, and have no distractions except her. I begin to write about our little meet up when the door opens. "Sorry I'm late, my car broke down, and wouldn't start." I hear a familiar voice. I close my eyes, knowing exactly who it is. I glance up, and see a blonde girl drenched in rain, and has her hands full of writing utensils. "It's alright Ms.Miller, just go find a seat." She looks up in surprise to see me. Her eyes stay focused on mine, and I can't help but smile. She walks towards me, sits next to me, and sighs. "What a coincidence seeing you here." She says as cheerful as possible, but can instantly tell she's irritated. "Yeah," is all I can manage to say. She smiles softly, and asks what our assignment is. I explain to her, and instantly feel a connection.


It's already been 3 months since we've met. I can't get her out of my mind, and hope to ask her out soon. We still have Creative writing together, but nothing else. I wish we could become something. I wish we can just be together.

Amanda's POV

I've known Harry for three months now. Ever since I ran into him, I felt something. Something sparked, and knew it was fate for us to meet. I just wish we could be something. I wish he would just say it. Three simple words.
"I like you."
The thing is, what I feel isn't like, it's almost like obsessed, or even love. I wish we can just be together.

Today's the day. The day I confess my feelings.

Harry's POV

I'm not going to cower out today. I will stand up and say it. 3 simple words,
"I like you."

Its almost time for our class, but I wait at the corner we first met. I hope to see her in her car, or walking around the corner so I can confess my obsession towards her. Before I know it, she's walking around the corner. This is it. Here goes nothing. "Hey Amanda... I have to tell you something." I say rubbing the back of my neck. I look into her gaze, and hope it'll calm me down. "Me too," she begins. "But you first." She urges. I want to tell her, but also her to say what she's thinking first. "No you first..." I trail off. Here it goes, the moment I've been waiting for for 3 months. "I like you." We say at the same time. "Wait, what?" She questions in a confused way. "Amanda, ever since I ran into you, I couldn't get your beautiful face out of my mind. My train of thought has been about you for 3 months." I say a little to fast. "Same." She smiles and blushes. I can't help but smile at her reaction. "So are we a thing now?" She asks motioning in between us. This is what we both wanted, and here we are, missing class, but showing our feelings to one another. "Yeah, I guess we are." Rubbing the back of my neck, smiling like a fool. She smiles, and tells me everything as we walk to class together with our hands linked.

Amanda's POV


We are inseparable. We laugh at each other, and talk about stupid things. We never leave each other without a kiss on the cheek, and it's everything I hoped for. Harry has a beautiful accent that he said came from his mom in London, and his vibrant green eyes came from his father. It's been a month since we've been together, but it feels like a year. We are definitely inseparable.

( Author's Note: Hey everyone! I hope the first chapter was ok, and I'm so sorry you didn't get a lot of Amanda's POV, but there will be plenty of it coming soon! I hop that this chapter wasn't to long, but I also hope y'all don't mind the flashback. What I have planned is going to have some more flashbacks, but this is just getting started so I hope it wasn't to much in one Flashback. Anyways... Enough of my I hopes. Let's get back to the story. Should I give y'all some songs to listen to while reading, or not? I wasn't sure, but I will do it for some chapters! (Here's another I hope coming LOL) anyways I hope y'all like the fan-fiction so far, and will keep reading!)

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