Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Long time no update.. My badd but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

"Get moving," he grumbled, pushing me ahead. I kept my head down and tightened the grip on my strap. I've been seeing the same white washed walls for the past few minutes and it was starting to annoy me. The smell of laundry detergent filled the air making me want to cover my nose. "Walk faster," he growled, shoving me in front of him.

"Don't touch me," I replied through gritted teeth. I clenched onto the bag tighter, my knuckles almost turning white. The man chuckled as if he found it funny and continued pushing me forward, his hand on my back. I frowned, walking faster so that he was no longer touching me.

After several long minutes, we finally stood in front of our destination. Cell 306. The man fished out his keys from his pocket and unlocked the cell. He opened the gate and gestured for me to go inside. I took a deep breath and hesitantly stepped in.

The room was dimly lit, with only one light bulb in the middle. The dark walls made the room even darker than it was. The room was humid and cold, almost making me step back out. I scanned the area until I found what I was looking for. In the back corner, a figure sat on the floor, huddled in silence and quietly murmuring. My breath hitched and I fastened my pace towards the figure.

"Dad..?" I whispered, my face softening. The man looked up, his sullen blue eyes meeting mine. I cried out loud and ran towards him, embracing him into a hug, wanting him to do the same. However, he didn't. He didn't even make an effort to move.

"Ren," he called, his voice hoarse and husky."You shouldn't have come here." He pushed me away from him and turned his back towards me as if he didn't want to look at me anymore. My chest tightened in disappointment seeing him act this way. I reached out to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" I asked, my voice a low whisper. A part of me wanted everything to go back to the way it was before and the other part of me wanted to live a normal life. I stared at the back of his orange prison suit, waiting for him to respond. I swallowed hard and looked away, knowing I shouldn't have came here.

"Get out."

"What?" I asked in surprise, taken back. I looked at him with wide eyes removing the hand from his shoulder. Again, I was greeted with a few seconds of silence. I stared at dad with shock, my lips parted.

"I said, get out." He repeated. "You made a mistake coming here." My heart skipped a beat and my breath hitched. I knew it. Cold sweat trickled down the side of my temple, my hand itching to wipe it away.

"Dad," I pleaded, "listen to me. I know-"

My father turned back around with a cold murderous glare on his face. His face was all scratched up and his bottom lip was bleeding. Blue bruises decorated his face as blood dripped from the corner of his forehead. It was the same face from that day it all started. I opened my mouth but nothing came out- I was frozen in shock. He stood up and walked towards me with his face full of disappointment and his eyes filled with rage. My eyes widened and I stepped back in something I've hadn't felt in a while-fear. This wasn't the father I knew-it was someone else.

"It's all your fault," he nearly growled, stepping closer to me. I looked over my shoulder to see that the prison guard had disappeared. I stared back at my father with wide eyes. No.

"I-I didn't mean to," I explain. "Dad, please just listen to-"

"Shut up!" He bellowed, his eyes narrowed. My body stiffened as my back hit the hard wall behind me. I stared at him, afraid to even make the tiniest of noises. Then slowly, he reached behind his back and pulled out a gun, the same one that I first used. I exchanged glances between the gun and him, my heart thumping faster. I knew what this was going to lead to. A cold smile was placed on his lips as he pointed the gun at me. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall down my cheek already knowing what was to come.

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