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"It sucks, it really does because I've been pining for so long and all my efforts go unnoticed. Every single one. I'm just so tired of being lonely and waiting for someone to love me." 

Jimin spoke with never ending tears and hiccups in between. Yoongi sighed and pulled the small boy closer to himself, pushing his face into the crook of his neck. Jimin cried. He cried and cried till his body simply couldn't produce anymore tears and suddenly was hit with a wave of guilt. "I'm sorry, you have to deal with this." He spoke, feeling sorry for Yoongi. "It's fine, I just want to help you." He answered, giving a small smile.

"Well your kindness has done enough." Jimin spoke, getting up and heading for the door leading inside. "Come here and have lunch with me from now on Jimin." Yoongi called after him, receiving a nod. Jimin walked to his next class, even though his throat was sore from crying and he knew his eyes were red and puffy, he didn't care. He entered the class room not caring to make an excuse and stared out the window. What's the point of paying attention today? He already has an A in all classes, one day of slacking off won't do anything. What's the point of anything really? Seems like everything he does results in him crying in the bathroom.

No one seemed to care that the nerdy, perfect, straight-A student Park Jimin walked into class late, or was obviously crying or not paying attention at all. Nobody really seemed to care. Except for the fact that out of the corner of his eye, Jimin could see Jungkook staring at him. Probably making fun of me in his head. Of course that had to be the only explanation. Who wouldn't take any chance they get to mess with me, to be honest, nobody. But it's okay, sooner or later I'll be in college, escaping from this hell and doing what I love, possibly even finding someone who actually likes me.
Sooner or later.

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