Episode 5: A new ally.....

Start from the beginning

The three went to Gaster's lab, and Asriel called Asgore, Toriel and the other ones; when Jessica arrives Gaster and Asgore started to introduce the other the mysterious guy.

Gaster: "His name is Thomas Darko, he is the son of a human scientist who remain on our side during the Great War, for a...."

Darko: "...... for some crime never committed like illegal studies and something like it......oh! And please call me Tom"

Asgore: "After....... well, Asriel and Chara's death and Gaster's disappearing he and his father disappeared too."

Chara: "What happened Tom?"

Tom looked Asgore with a serious face, and Asgore retrieve it with a sad face.

Asriel: "Tom?"

Darko took a long breath before gave them the answer.

Darko: "I don't know how, but...... Me and my father fell into the barrier, and somehow we surpass it"

Gaster: "WHAT?! BUT...But that's impossible! How?!"

Darko: "I told you.... I don't know how, but we managed to live in the surface"

Sans: "How is he anyway?"

Darko looked the ground, with a sobbing face, trying to not being sad.

Toriel put a hand on his shoulder: "I'm so sorry Tom...."

Darko: "It's......It's fine thanks......I'm a man now and I must surpass this"

Darko: "anyway......how did you end up here? I've heard that you have some problems or something"

Asriel, Chara, Sans and Frisk explained him the full story.

Darko: "Oh! I see.......... So this girl, if she is a human, is the only clue you have, uh?"

Frisk: "Yes, and we hoped that she managed to do as the last time, but she didn't...."

Sans: "I don't want to be pessimist, but what if that guy found her before us?"

Frisk made a shocked face for a moment, but Asgore cut it....

Asgore: "I guess the only way is searching right?"

Undyne: "Right your majesty! Thanks for the meeting Darky but now you have to lea......"

Before Undyne could finish her sentence, Tom give her a challenge look.

Darko: "Hold there, captain, I'm more useful than you though!"

Undyne: "Unless you're good in fighting, I don't think you can be enough useful for join us"

Darko: "Then why you don't try it yourself"

Undyne retrieve the challenge look: "Oh really! I bet you don't stand five minutes against me!"

Darko: "Actually.........I bet I can DEFEAT you in less than five minutes"

Everyone looked Undyne and Darko twice, those two were serious about a duel.

Asgore looked Darko, strangely a little bit scared, which Toriel noticed but she stayed quiet.

Asgore: "Well......a...... a pair of eyes more is not a problem, right? You can join us Dar......"

Darko: "Sorry Asgore but I have got too much honour for leaving someone insult me...... we're going to end this NOW!"

Undyne and Tom went outside with the others following them; soon they found a plain where to duel.

Undyne: "Are you regretting having said that?!"

Darko smiled: "Nope............ And you?!"

Undyne summoned her spear: "This is my answer!"

Undyne summoned a spear in front of Darko, but he refuses it gently.

Darko: "I admire your honour for having a fair battle with your opponent, but I don't need it......"

Undyne: "Don't be cocky, Darky"

Darko: "I'm not being it!"

Undyne: "Fine! Have it your way, I warned you!"

Darko took out his soul, it was an ordinary human soul, but......

Gaster: "Strange......"

Asriel asked: "What's strange?"

Gaster: "1: his mother was a Perseverance soul, then why he isn't? 2: if he is just a human soul how could I feel such power coming from it?"

Sans: "Being a scientist maybe he found a way to powered it"

Gaster: "A scientist? What he did in this years?"

Sans: "As I found, he is the smartest professor of the SSU......"

Chara: "SSU???"

Gaster: "Suol Scienze University: the most prestigious university of this century"

Sans: "....... he even took a couple of trophies for his scientific discoveries, and if this it's not enough, he has 5 degrees in Medicine, Science and Psychology."

Gaster: "Wow, if his father was here, he would be proud of him; it's amazing how much things this guy can do!"

Back to the duel......

Darko used his soul and his hands and legs where covered by a white essence.

Undyne scream: "EN GUARDE!"

Undyne threw some spear toward the young professor, but he dodges them jumping in air.

Then he created a ball with the energy in his right hand and he threw it at Undyne.

Undyne put a hand up for block the energy ball: "Just one throw? AH! how pathe......"

The spheres created a large cloud of smoke, while Tom went to the ground.

After the cloud went away, everyone was shocked and surprises: Undyne were at the ground, that energy ONESHOTED her.

Frisk: "Wow! What amazing power!"

Sans: "Yep! Not bad at all!"

Darko went near Undyne and held out his hand to her.

Darko: "I think you owe me an apology!"

Undyne went up with the help of the young professor.

Undyne smiled: "Eh.........Sorry....... I underestimated you! You're really a tough guy!"

Toriel: "Well....... it's pretty late, I think it's time for lunch......after all I'll have a lesson this afternoon!"

Darko: "Ok...... When you need my help, you'll find me at the University......see ya everyone!"

Everyone started to went to Toriel's house, but as the last time......Frisk looked the sky again.

Frisk: "Betty.......... You are the only clue we have now....... please......"

Frisk. "......don't be dead!"

Frisk let a tear come out from his eyes, then he followed Toriel to her house.

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