95. Energy

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You give me energy energy energy. If you get this reference, I love you so much.😏💙


I'm not one to get motivated
easily, but something about
him gives me a suga* rush.
I hate that I have a crush.

So I sit here, willing my
phone to come to me with my
mind so I can look at your
picture. I wanna let it all
out but I'm no preacher.

You make me want to look
pretty and that's too much
stress. I love you but you're
such a pest.

He gives me energy I don't
crave. Except I do, this
energy is a drug and I'm it's

You make want to run, jump
and skip in glee. But that
would be work, so I hate it
can't you see?

I'm not one to get motivated
easily, but something about
him gives me a sugar rush.
I hate that I have a crush.

He has the tendency to
give me energy.


I'm so jazzed right now. I have no idea why.



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