69. Stuck Inside

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I love this poem so much, I how you guys do too. It took a lot of editing but I think I got the emotions' POV just right.

I'm stuck on the inside looking
out. Why won't they let me out,
what's this all about?

All of us sit here just waiting
to be heard. The reason why
we're kept locked away is
such a blur.

High society are our shackles
and the fear of judgement
are our chains. But our
master is the one who gets
all the pain.

But we will one day break out
of this dark prison. And they
will finally know we have

Stuck inside, that's all we've
ever been. No more, now they
will finally hear us, now they'll
have to listen.

This poem is based on the emotion's ..well...emotions. Don't ask.



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