55. Going Under

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This poem is inspired by Going Under By Evanescence


I've done so much for you and yet you still betrayed me. You betrayed me, it hurts... Can't you see??

I would've done anything for you, changed my look, my outfits, even my personality. But you just don't care about me or the fact that I've lost my sanity.

My face remains expressionless as I stare out at the cackling thunder, unaware of the fact that I am going under.

My life was a bright sunny day until you came along. How far down under do I have to go..and for how long??

My face remains expressionless as I stare out at your cackling thunder, unaware of the fact that I am going under.


As you can see from the pic up there... I am seriously sick.. Like omg.. I can't even deal. I have soo many ideas for new poetry but I can't write with this headache!

Gaaaahhh! Just when I broke my writer's block! Ugh!

Anyway.. Enough ranting. I thought I could at least muster up some guts and write this poem. It's the least thing I can do for my fans. Love you guys.

Now if you'll excuse me.. I have a Disney Frozen marathon, a couple of thick blankets and some hot cocoa to get back too. 💙💙



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