89. Joy Bringer No More

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When your face came into
my field of vision, I could feel
my heart smile and my soul
speak. But now, the
awkwardness hanging in
the air between us makes
me sick.

Your smile broadened mine
as we hooked our arms
together and walked. And
yet as of right now, it's been
quite a while since we've
really talked.

The joy you brought into my
life was exquisite. But now,
all the awkward side glances
and lack of eye contact swirl
in a confusing blizzard.

Now you exclude me and only
me. Maybe I'm being blinded
by circumstance but why
do I still see?

I feel my heart frown and my
soul has closed her mouth.
You're having me think that
our once joyful friendship
has completely gone south.

Our arms slowly retract from
one another as we glance away.
It may be bland, boring and
busted but I want it to stay.

My soul does not voice her
thoughts as my heart curls
up in a ball as if it had
gotten sore. To you, I may
just be a bore, but to me
you are the funny, reliable,
loveable joy bringer no




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