Chapter 21

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"So, does Seb have anything special planned for Valentine's Day tomorrow?"

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"So, does Seb have anything special planned for Valentine's Day tomorrow?"

I rolled my eyes as the elevator doors opened in my apartment complex and I stepped out. "Considering the team's flying out early to play a game in Tampa tomorrow and I'm pulling the evening shift at Apollo's, I'm going to say no." Though it didn't really bother me. I wasn't particularly drawn to the hoopla surrounding the made up holiday. "Besides, even if we were both miraculously free, I feel like I have too much on my plate to take a night off. Especially now that everything's coming together with the boutique."

After their first look around the space, the contractors had deemed the structural renovations doable within a tight schedule, and had worked around the clock for the last week getting things done. The large back office had been relocated and reduced in size to make room for a closed off storage area, a set of individual change rooms had been constructed in the back corner of the boutique, and a basic checkout counter had been built outside of the office space. They'd also been sure to check the electrical was up to date and install a central air unit, so while I knew there was still a long way to go, I felt good about where I was at.

"Which is exactly why you deserve a break," Mackenzie pointed out. "You can't spend every hour of the day working."

"I can try," I said, balancing my phone between my shoulder and my ear as I combed through my purse to find my keys.

Before either of us could say more, I heard Peter's voice pestering my sister in the background. "Ask her how those Knights tickets are coming along."

I laughed. "Tell him I'll ask Seb about getting a pair the next time I see him."

"Sorry about that," she said after relaying my response to her overeager husband, "but back to you working too much—"

Opening the door to my apartment, Mackenzie's words were immediately drowned out as I stared, wide-eyed, at the display on the kitchen table. A vase of fresh flowers was settled between two place settings, my favorite bottle of wine stood front and center with a shiny red ribbon wrapped around its neck, and a freshly baked, homemade pizza sat waiting to be eaten. It was incredibly thoughtful and romantic; the only puzzling thing being that it was Aimee, not Seb, sitting and waiting for me.

"Mackenzie... I'm going to have to call you back." Hanging up after I'd assured her nothing was wrong, I slipped my phone into my purse and dropped it at the door. "Am I intruding on something between you and Jack?" I asked, eyeing Aimee curiously as I crossed the room.

The nerves radiating off her as she shook her head were evident.

"Then what's the special occasion?"

"I thought we could celebrate Galentine's Day," she offered, her hands fidgeting as she stood. "You know, since you've been the best gal a girl could ask for lately, juggling being my maid of honor with everything else you have going on."

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