they pull away and jimin is met with a tear stained yoongi. his nose is red and it looks super boop-able. he wipes his runny nose before smiling again.

"let's go? i have a good plan." yoongi grabs jimins hand and they exit the apartment.

after a long 30 minute drive of yoongi and jimin talking about why water isn't wet, they arrive at a small little workshop.

"yoongi? what's this?" jimin asks, he moves around in his seat trying to get a better look of the tiny pastel blue store.

"you'll see." they turn off the car and hop off. the youngers hand engulfed tightly by yoongis.

as they walk in, they're met with a nice lady who looks possibly in their mid 30s. "hi, i made an appointment for 2?" yoongi asks and the lady give a smile and looks through a book.

"is it min yoongi?" she says and he nods in return. "excellent! this way." she points into a room.

"y-yoongi what are we actually d-doing?" not gonna lie jimin is kind of scared because you never know what can happen even in the safest situations.

they enter the room and the room displays an array of paints and canvas, brushes, paintings and objects of any shape. "we're painting together." yoongi smiles at the younger and jimin doesn't know how to react.

"but i c-can't paint for sh-shit!" jimin whisper yells at the older. who give him a chuckle in return.

"it's okay. i cant too. that's why we're learning together." they take a seat next to each other and start the class. it's a cute little workshop where its half class and half cafe so they order drinks. "can i have one cappuccino and one strawberry milkshake?"

the lady nods and heads out of the class. "yoongi how does your apple look so good?" jimin refers to the painting on the canvas.

"yours is nice too jimin. you just don't see it." and jimin takes a second glance at his work.

"so, how do you think this date is going?" yoongi asks. deep down in jimins heart, he's a little disappointed not gonna lie but he does love this a lot too.

"i'm happy with it. could we go to the lil private place later?" yoongi nods and jimin smiles back.

"here are your drinks." he lady hands them the drinks and jimin happily sips it. the lady leaves the room for a while and yoongi stares at the younger.

he gets hit by a wave of memories out of no where.

"don't leave me please. Jihan, please i'm sorry don't leave me." he wails

the older yanks away his arm from the younger. "you're always on your music. you never really cared." he walks across the road.

"jihan please! watch ou-." crash.

the lifeless body, laying on the floor. blood pooling by the side of his head. arms and legs twisted.

"j-jihan. it's all m-my fault." dropping to his knees, hands balled up and fisted in his hair. tears running down streams along his face. "f-forgive me j-jihan."

yoongi stumbles a little off his chair and nearly falls off the wooden stool.

"yoongi? you okay?" jimin asks.


they both stay quiet.

"p-please don't l-leave me." yoongi chokes.


ha. i hate myself so much. basically yoongi has had a prev relationship bfore with a dude name jihan (idk i just found the name on google) and he died because ^^ so yoongi lives with a guilt in him but he doesn't bring it up. he adored jihan, as much as jimin and he doesn't want jimin leaving him like how jihan did. he's scared that it may happen one day and he may not save jimin like how he didn't for jihan.

i wanted to add some sPiCe to this book so don't blame me ily. + there's a book i read recently called "letters to you." it's a yoonmin book you can find in my reading list (yoonmin) and it gives me the fUckiNg fEeLs. listen to "jocelyn flores" by Xxxtentacion while reading too. (rip x. you did great)

daddy's baby // yoonminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang