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after eating dinner and countless giggles coming out of jimin's mouth, he's finally asleep in his room. completely knocked out and nothing could've woken him up.

now yoongi is exiting the apartment to go to his own, he sees hoseok eating alone on the dining table, his face isn't as cheerful as before.

"hoseok-ah, you okay? what's bothering you? i cant tell by your face."

"it's just a small matter hyung." hoseok shrugs and eats another spoonful of rice. chewing rather slowly in yoongis eyes.

"hoseok, it's okay just tell me." he sighs, and takes a seat next to him.

"it's just- i feel like you're no longer that hardcore rapper and best friend i've had last time." he mumbles out. "you're so distant with me now that you're with jimin and-,"

yoongi pulls him into a hug. "hoseok, i'm sorry i've been distant okay? i'll try to include you every now and then but if you ask why jimin behaves like what he is, i will murder you. cause it's who he is."

"okay. but i don't want to be a third wheeler kay?" he says making both of them smile.

'when should i tell him?' hoseok wonders. keeping the secret that only he knows.

yoongi walks to his room and sits on his bed. but not too long after, he's knocked out too.


"good morning hyung." hoseok greets as he makes some eggs and bacon sizzling in the pan.

yoongi eyes are barely open and his hair is pointing in every direction possible or even flying into another dimension who knows. "hm? oh good morning." he walks (or waddles) over to he couch and plops down.

"hyung, jimin left a note this morning under our door, it's on the table." and yoongi takes a peek at the table seeing a white envelope nicely decorated with drawings he can tell is jimins.

"okay." he waddles over and picks it up, opens and start reading.

yoongi! i'm going on a day trip with ahra today! it was so last minute and there wasn't a chance to ask you since i had to leave at 7 am and i hope you're not mad at me. i didn't think this through hehe...ily! have a nice day boyfie <3.
-chim chim.

he smiles at the little heart he draws at the end. he's the most adorable human being and that's all the facts you need to know.


it's late afternoon and jimin hasn't texted or call yoongi but he doesn't want to make a big deal out of it. it's just him and his sister what could go wrong?

he's currently at jins diner with namjoon and they're both chatting. sadly namjoon could only stay for a while since if his manager saw him outside, he'd be fired. "bye yoongi." he waves off.

now he's all alone on the table with a cup of half empty of water. he sits there and dozed off for a bit, wondering about how jimin is.

but what he doesn't know is how much need of help jimin is in right now.

"a-aHRA! NO!" he screams as he latches on to his sisters arm, scared, terrified and unprepared for an event like this. "i-i don't wanna die like t-this." he pleads.

"jimin, we're almost at the end of the haunted house it's fine." she says, guiding the both of them through the little maze.

they both make it out and jimin is about to throw up. he isn't very fond of these things therefore he swears by to never go into one ever again.

"it wasn't that bad." she shrugs as she witnesses her brother on his knees. looking like he'd just gotten into a fight.

"easy for you to say." he glares at her and she just chuckles.

"let's go have lunch yeah?" she says and they both walk over to a restaurant that seemed appealing to them both. "have you texted yoongi today?" she asks and jimins eyes widen.

"oh shit!" he cusses and takes out his phone from his back pocket. no messages were sent from yoongi which was kind of disappointing. he's though he'd cared.


not long later he gets a quick reply

yes hi ur okay? i haven't gotten any texts frm u i got worried for a sec

yes, i'm fine. we're just about to go home actually
me and ahra are grabbing some late lunch
i'll tell u all about our journey today!

of course, and i'll listen to all ur stories

the younger smiles at his phone and ahra tries to take a peek at the conversation. "damn you guys are cuter than anyone i know sheesh." she teases. jimins face is a light shade of red from the messages but not to the point where it's totally visible.

their dishes arrive not too long later and they both eat in silence since there wasn't really much to talk about. before they'd left the amusement park, jimin had an idea to get yoongi something. it was 'an absolute necessity' according to jimin.

"what about that one?" ahra pointed to a stuffed animal with short stubby legs and arms, body shaped into a round circle and one eyebrow oddly bigger than the other. not to mention the cute front teeth it had.

"awe, it looks cute. i'll get this for yoongi." jimin beams and heads over to the cashier with the average sized plushie in his hand.

they leave the amusement park and endure a 45 minute drive all the way back. 90% of the time was jimin sleeping and 10% was him talking about literally nothing.

"yah, jimin wake up." she nudges jimin and he wakes up. his eyes are sleepy and the surroundings are dark. "you have to go home."

"why is it so dark?" he questions before regaining his concentration. "okay, i got it." he grabs the bag with yoongi's stuffed animal and heads out of the car, exchanging goodbyes before he walks back to his apartment.

he sees yoongi outside his door leaning on it. scrolling through his phone. "yoongi why are you outside?" he questions the older.

yoongi immediately runs to him and gives him a warm, sweet, loving hug. "i missed you. don't leave again."

jimin is shocked at the sudden confession but he hugs back anyways.

"i won't."

"i love you."


i'm so sorry for a shitty ass chapter it was the best i could do. also lil promo for my best friend pjmblush please go check out her works, she deserves more recognition+she's an absolute sweetheart.
+ i've decided our fandom name >:)
n u g g i e s
i mean idk but it sounds nice to me

daddy's baby // yoonminDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora