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yoongi observers himself in the mirror as he touches the red-ish purple marks on his neck. 'this will take so long to heal...'

he walks back out to hoseok. who has company over. jeongguk is sitting on taehyungs lap and hoseok is just laid on the couch. the TV is playing some random show and they're making the nets out of it.

"so, how was it?" hoseok quirks up an eyebrow and looks at yoongi. "was it good?"

"hoseok shut your mouth before i shove 3 chopsticks up your fucking ass." yoongi shushes hoseok before sitting on the couch with the rest. "hi taehyung. hi jeongguk."

the two younger just give him a wave and a smile as they went back to watching the show.

meanwhile yoongis mind is racing. 'he probably hates me now. he'll hate me for taking advantage. he's gonna ignore me. he's gonna fucking hate me for life.' without realising yoongi groans and throws his head back. earning a couple of stares from the three.

"sorry i'll just go now." yoongi cant stand the thoughts and having people around. sometimes he needs some quiet time. some private space. the rooftop.

he makes his way up to the rooftop. opening the door to an empty space. grey tiles littered across. dust flying here and there. air vents on some corner and a few weeds growing. the skies were turning a purplish orange shade. the sun was setting and he was glad that the day was almost over.


jimin woke up. unaware of what had happened. his room looked slightly messy. but that wasn't new. he knew he was in little space cause the suns setting and he has no idea what had happened in the meantime. although this butt hurt a little but it wasn't much. unfortunately or fortunately, not noticing the note.

he decides that he should maybe visit yoongi. because he's bored. and craves attention. grabbing his phone, he texts yoongi's number.

- hyung, wanna hang out?

jimin waits for a reply but doesn't get one. he waits and waits and waits until it's been ten minutes. he's tired of waiting and decides to knock on the door. reciting what he'll say in his head to avoid any anxious words spilling out.

the door opens revealing man he feels like he's seen. but doesn't know.

"hi, who are you looking for?" taehyung asked. jimin wasn't sure if he was yoongis boyfriend or something but he's overthinking a lot. so he proceeds to ask his question.

"um, where's yoongi?" he asked, giving himself a mental pat on the back for not stuttering.

"oh, i don't know. go check the rooftop. maybe he's there." taehyung suggests and jimin thanks him before trying to find his way to the rooftop.

going up the stairs, he stumbles a bit. eventually falls down. he scratches his elbow trying to grip on the rusty railing and winces at the contact. it's not long after when the open wound starts bleeding. jimin doesn't mind he sight of it since he's cut himself countless times. whether it be accidentally or purposely.

he doesn't give up looking for yoongi though. continuing his steps he finally makes it to a door which has a window. peeking through the window he sees yoongi sitting in the middle of everything. his legs are crossed and his head is tilted down.

he slowly opens the door, cautious to not startle yoongi. "hyung?" he calls out. yoongi jumps to the voice and looks behind him.

they both make eye contact before jimin cracks a smile and scoots over to yoongi. "h-hey jimin." yoongi says, he's unsure what to say to jimin. it doesn't seem like he's mad about it.

"why are you here? i texted you and you didn't reply." jimin speaks out loud. he's comfortable around yoongi but there's some unsettling thoughts in yoongis head.

"jimin, did you see the note on your nightstand?" yoongi points out. better to tell him now than lie about it.

"what note?" jimin asks out of curiosity.

"it's was...something. i'm scared to tell you cause you'll hate me and-" he pauses. unable to continue.

"w-was it something about little space?" jimin asks since he doesn't recall yoongi coming in his apartment.

"yeah." he ends. letting a silent pause. "i had sex with you." he blurts out. not able to hold in those words and when they came out, a whole weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"w-what?" the younger was shocked. "what do you mean?" at this point jimin is almost crying. his eyes are wide and the tears are starting to pull in.

"you begged me to touch you and-and i couldn't bare it so i had to and," he stops. "i'm sorry." his head is in his palms, elbows resting on his knees. he hides his face from the embarrassment.

"y-you-," jimin wasn't scared. but he wasn't satisfied too. why would yoongi take advantage of him? he actually started to trust yoongi. he actually started to like yoongi. but this action made all that crash down.

jimin stands up and runs back to his apartment. yoongi doesn't stop him. he doesn't want to make his life any worse. he lets jimin leave and decides to mentally punch himself in the face. all he wants to do is apologise and give him a hug but it's not possible at a state like this.


jimin locks the door and leans his back to it. he falls down and rethinks what had just happen. did the only person he started to like, took advantage of him? it was his first then. his virginity was given to someone he liked but the fact that he doesn't remember a single thing about it makes him sick. makes him want to gag.

he goes to his nightstand to check the note. it's there and he picks it up. reading it, the tears start gathering again. he could believe it. he was now...terrified. a feeling that couldn't be translated into a word. was it betrayal? was it sadness? was it trauma?

he felt like his whole world was collapsing. why did the only person he felt comfortable around had to do this? sure it was his fault for leading him on and such but wouldn't they know what to do and what not to do? whatever he felt. it was starting to make him scratch his wrist. anxiously


WOO HELLO GUYS. i'm back sorry for not updating as often. i managed to write this crap in a short amount of time i'm sorry if it's bad. but this is where the angst gets real aight? sorry guys. +THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR 5K READ AND 300 VOTES YALL IM ABOUT TO SOB I NEVER THOUGHT ANYONE WOULD READ THIS CRAP SHGAHA I LOVE YOU

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