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-Martinus' POV-

My vision became blurry and then....

Then I woke up. God, it felt so real. Although this all was a nightmare, I shiver so much. It was still dark outside. I checked the time. 4 a.m. I looked through my window. The traffic lights were lighting my street.

My and Laura's house are so close that I can see it through my window.
I looked at it for a while. I'm still so curious about that diary. I need to know what's in it. I must admit that I'm too scared to go even when it's light outside, and especially when it's dark.

I got back to bed. I'm scared to sleep again. I'm just going to watch some YouTube or something.

It's already 7 a.m.
Since it's winter now, it's still dark.
I was watching some fan edits, when I heard something from outside my room.

I started to shiver again.
I quickly grabbed my pillow and went to the door.
I opened it slowly, and walked to the hall...
Then I heard something hit the floor.
I ran to it and prepared myself for something dangerous.
But, instead of that, I saw Marcus on the floor.
I started to laugh so hard.
He was on his stomach laying on the floor.

-"It's not funny" -He said
-"D-did y-you f-fall?" -I was on the floor laughing.
-"Yes, I did. And why are you awake?" -He said
-"Oh, I had a nightmare, so I was a bit scared to sleep. I watched YouTube and then I heard something hit the floor so I got scared. I was preapared to hit you" -I giggled.

Marcus was now the one who was dying of laughter.
-"A-and y-you w-wanted to h-hit me with t-that?!"
He was right. I can't do anything with a pillow. -"What were you gonna do? L-lay in front of i-it and s-sleep?" -He was crying of laughter. In that moment I burst out laughing too. I am so stupid.

-Laura's POV-
The life in Spain is awesome.
Martinez twins are so cute. But just as friends.

My driver dropped me in front of school. I met Emi there. We walked to our class together and then he spoke:
-"Laura, there is something I need to tell you" -He said nervous-"Laura, I like you. You are so beautiful and kind, and a girl that every guy wants. You are just perfect" -

Oh, here we go. I feel guilty rn.
-"Emilio I-I" -He cut me off
-"It's ok...." -He said.

We arrived to school.
First class was Spanish.
I sat on my usual spot and the teacher arrived
-"Hola, como estas?" (Hello, how are you?) -She said smiling.
-"Hola, estoy bien, gracias" (hello, good, thanks for asking) -We all answered in the same time.

I looked at Emi and he looked sad.
Soon after the bell rang.
I grabbed my stuff and went out.
I met my friend Lucia. She is so nice.

We talked a bit and then I felt a tap on my shouler. I turned and faced Ivan.
-"Meet me outside in 5 minutes-" He said and ran out.

I wonder what does he want?
5 minutes passed and I went out.
I saw Ivan looking at me with a nervous smile.
He was holding something in his hands. I can't see cause his hands were behind him.
I walked over to him and said
-" I'm here."
-"I know. You know, I have eyes" -He laughed-"Now, there's a thing that I need to tell you. I mean, ummmm....How to say this...." -He handed me flowers.-"Laura, you are a perfect girl. When I met you I knew I will like you. You are just the defenition of my dream girl. I just wanted to say that I like you so much. And I will always be there if you need me" - He said shyly.

Damn it!
And again the same situation. The twins like me. God. Am I haunted or something? Why am I seeing just twins?

-"Ummm, Ivan, look, your brother also likes me. But guys, I don't see you diffrent than friends. You are kind, amazing people. But you are my friends. Sorry."

And I left.
The whole day passed and I didn't talk with the Martinez twins.
My driver picked me up and I am home now.
Ugh, too much for today.

I decided to write it all in my diary.
I looked for it in the drawer. Not there.
In my bed. Not there
In the hall. Not there
In boxes. Not there
Even in wardrobe. Not there.
I can't find anything that looks like it. Pinky pink notebook with some sparkles

No! It can't be.
I forgot it in Norway!
Ugh, can this day be worse???

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