Chapter 6 - Call Me B67

Start from the beginning

I let go of the air I was holding in, watching as she walked away as if nothing had ever happened. I was lucky this time. Maybe she felt pity for me? Or maybe she saw something in me she desperately wanted to keep around? But of course, stupid me wanted to know more. Perhaps Alfredo had the answers I so desperately wanted? I paced over to them, watching as he lifted a body I had just tagged onto the cart.

Matthew peered up, half smiling in delight that I was in his sweltering circle of sweat like he was a dog eagerly awaiting a bone. "What's up, Taggie?"

I scowled at him. I hope he didn't expect me to rush over and be engulfed under his perspirant armpits like we'd known each other for years. "We're not friends."

He shrugged and grinned, scratching an irritated patch of skin on his knee. "But there's no reason not to be."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You're the type that gets killed first in a horror movie."

He laughed, standing up straighter so he towered over me in a non-threatening manner. "Gee. Little you and the big comments, huh?" 

I rolled my eyes at him, turning to Alfredo who was thoroughly amused by the whole exchange. It made me wonder if anyone had ever stood up to the idiot before. I sighed. "I wanted to know if you knew what F89's problem was?" I asked him. It still felt strange to call people by their numbers instead of by their actual names. "And why won't she tell me her name?"

He chuckled; his accent even lining his laugh. "She try to stay alive. Haven't you understood yet?"

"Oh, don't look so confused," Matthew chimed in, cutting him off and rubbing his shoulder like it ached from all the endless lifting he was cursed into doing. "Her name's Anna, but it's way safer for you and her to call each other by your numbers."

"But why?" I asked, directly addressing Alfredo and not Matthew.

"You ask too many questions, B67," Matthew spoke before Alfredo had the chance to answer me. "What's your name anyhow?" he nodded at me, depositing yet another tagged body onto the cart.

I stared at him blankly. "I thought you literally just said using names was against the code and unsafe."

I mocked him slightly, watching as he cringed at his own words. I was beginning to understand him now, he didn't like being mocked. He wanted control, perhaps fueled by a flare of protectivity. It made me wonder who he'd lost during the war and whether that played a role in it. His dark eyes sunk a little as he realised I wasn't going to succumb to his charms like he clearly thought would happen. He brushed his hand through his greasy hand anxiously, oil sticking to his palm and collecting the dirt on it. 

He shrugged. "So?"

"So, it'd be unsafe for me to do so."

He thought for a moment, chewing his dried lips. "And?"

"You can't coerce me that easily," I mocked, cocking my head to the side as his gaze was left unwavered on my face. "I'm not an idiot."

He scoffed. "A woman of mystery, are you?"

Alfredo coughed slightly, making my attention shift suddenly onto him. "No need to bicker. Work to do," he said, pointing at the assortment of hard labour ahead of us. 

I fiddled with my belt, smiling shyly at him. "Do you know what city this is?"

He shook his head. "Sorry."

I waved my hand. "Don't fret. Just thought you might know, you know?"

He shook his head at me and gestured to the ground behind me. "Work."

"Got it," I smiled, flashing a scowl at Matthew as he drew circles in the dust with his foot in an agitated way. I turned on my heels, waltzing back over to my trail of coloured tags; a job I never wanted nor cared about.

"What's your name?"

I stopped, cursing under my breath. Goddamn you Matthew! I gritted my teeth throwing my response over my shoulder haphazardly. "B67," I replied; cautious of what he had warned me just a moment ago.

He chuckled lightly making me cringe more and retract like a hermit crab into my body. "No. Your real name," he persisted.


He looked at me curiously as I turned to face him and stared at the ground nervously. 

"So..." he beckoned.

"I thought it was safer to call me by my number?" I snapped, glaring at him with such force he broke his stance and fiddled with the end of his shirt. His persistence was just as annoying as everything else about him. 

"Pft! We need to get on a name basis here if you want to stay alive."

"Bullshit," I spat. 

His face screwed up, offended that anyone had even dared to curse him in such a manner. "Tell me your name, now!"

I gaped. "Are you seriously demanding my name right now?"

He gritted his teeth. He didn't like my defiance. Control freak. "Yes," he said, low and steady. 

I smiled. "Where's your manners?"

He scowled further, knowing he'd put himself in the position, but not realising I was too clever for him. I glanced at Alfredo who had a glint of amusement encasing his intelligent eyes, before flicking my gaze back at Matthew. 


I nodded, still unsure if I wanted to go down this road. It was alright for them, they wanted to break the rules, but me? Oh hell no! I wasn't the one to put my life on the line, I'd always played it safe, but perhaps now was the time for risks? I didn't want to by Tagging for the rest of my meaningless life. I checked over my shoulder to make sure no Drones were nearby before speaking. "It's Ellie. Ellie Young."

"Well, nice to meet you Ellie. I'm Matthew Rinde," he replied, a little excited he'd finally got through to me as he held out his hand for me to shake. His eyes were shining with a slight hint of humour. Was this all a joke to him? We could be killed at any moment and he thought it was funny to play name games!

Alfredo stopped moving, staying stationary with a limb cradled in his grip as he glanced like a nervous child between us. He noticed a shift in my demeanour, retracting like someone had just smacked him in the face as I scowled angrily at the immature boy in front of me.

I looked dead straight into his eyes. "Call me by my number." 

I left his hand hanging there as shock edged into every bit of his face. This 'Matthew' wasn't about to get me killed. Not today. Swiftly, I turned and trudged away towards F89, leaving him standing there like a startled lamb.  

I needed to get out of here and find that damned book. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to hit that vote button if you enjoyed!

Will they survive? Let me know in the comments below! ~H.W.

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