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Aaron's pov
I walk out my house speed walking to my car that's parked down te block.

I got in and out the key in the ignition; I drove to a garage in the other part of LA.

I slammed my door shut and walked up to the garage and banged on the garage.

"Who" I heard someone say from the other side of the door.


They open the garage exposing the club house.

"What's going on?" Cuban, the chief, said.

"What the fuck is wrong with Bruce?" I yelled.

"Why is he laying his hands on my girlfriend's mom?"I yelled with my voice booming through the clubhouse.

"I don't know but I'll call him right now" he said.

He walked to the table pushing away the empty beer bottles and cans out of the way to et his phone.

I walked to the bar stool throwing the empty pack of cigarettes on the floor then sitting down on it.

"Hey Bruce!" He yelled through the phone.

"Why are you laying your hands on your girl?"

"Don't worry about how I know! Why are you doing it"

"...don't say sorry to me, say sorry to her and make it up to her pendejo!"

"I don't give a fuck if you have to pick him up right now. You let him wait until you treat your girl the way she should be treated and don't try me" he banged the phone.

"Who was he gonna pick up" I asked

"His son, Ethan"

Your POV

I laid in bed thinking about if u should cut again or not.

I found myself walking to my purse and grabbing the pack of blades and walking to the bathroom.

Grayson's POV

Nate fell asleep and I took this as my opportunity to cut again. I walked to the bathroom getting my blade.

Your/ Grayson's pov

I sat on the toilet putting the blade against my thigh again.

And again.

And again.

Your POV

The blood started trickling down my leg and began dripping on the white tiled bathroom floor.

I cut too deep

I began panicking and limping from the pain I was experiencing.

I quickly grabbed the toilet paper and wrapped it around my cuts.

I ran down the stairs in my underwear almost falling down.

I grabbed a paper towel and put it over the soaking in blood toilet paper.

I dragged down the floor and opened the cabinet from under the sink.

I pulled out the first aid kit and opened it; I pulled out the bandage and took it out.

I removed the the toilet paper and the paper towel and quickly wrapped my thigh up.

I put the first aid kit away and grabbed the roll of toilet paper and cleaned up the little bit of blood on the floor and in the bathroom.

I went through his drawers and pulled out a pair of his boxers and threw them on; I made sure that they were long enough to cover up the bandage.

I went back to the bathroom and did my old hairbrush trick.

I went to his room and laid down under his covers and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Aaron's pov

I got back home and all the lights were off; I walked up to my room to find her sleeping.

I took my close off except my boxers and got in next to her.

She adjusted to my body and I tried to get comfortable but the only I could think about is, what will happen when Ethan is officially out.

I ran my hand up and down her thigh and I felt a bandage


Yooo Bitchess

Guess what

I love you

Kay bye😘

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