1:10 i am become death

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The events of the day before haven't been lost in the night but they haven't been mentioned this morning either.

Despite having woken up hours ago, Ella hasn't gotten out of bed. Sandwiched between Bellamy and Luca has made it impossible to even think about moving. She's far too comfortable.

Luca occasionally will fade in and out, the last time he changed positions so he's on his stomach now; taking up nearly half the bed. Bellamy however hadn't move all night and hasn't woken up once. Ella is so relieved he's finally resting that she doesn't dare move out from under his arm. It has to be at least eight o'clock, and he's usually up and out by six. She just lets him sleep, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat as her head lays on his chest.

Everything is calm in the tent, peaceful, but this is still the ground.

Clarke throws the entrance to the tent open, waking up the two remaining sleepers. "It's almost nine." She says, trying to keep her voice steady. "We need to head out and survey the crash site."

Ella rolls over while Bellamy pulls himself up. He rubs his eyes and runs his hand through his hair, stretching in the process. "Did you say it's almost nine?"

"Yeah." Clarke answers shorty while Luca throws his head back down. "We need to get moving."

"Okay." Bellamy nods. "Meet you at the gate in fifteen."

Clarke offers an apologetic smile to Ella before leaving the tent. "She couldn't have slept another hour."

"I doubt she slept at all." Bellamy answers honestly, lying down again and facing her. "Are you staying here or coming with us?"

"I'll go." She offers.

"I won't." Luca mumbles through the fabric of his pillow. Bellamy and Ella hold back a laugh.

"We should get going." She suggest after another moment of peace. "I'm pretty sure Clarke is timing us."

Bellamy nods in agreement. He places a kiss to her head, reaches over to ruffle Luca's already messy hair earning a groan in response then climbs out of bed. "So much for doing nothing today."


The exodus wreckage is post apocalyptic.

Heat still radiates from the twisted medal and there are bones everywhere. The sight of a dismembered arm almost makes me sick.

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