Chapter 7: Vendetta Part 1 of 2

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Where am I? Why does it feel so familiar...? I could hear the birds chirping to themselves, a beautiful lake where the fish would swim, grassy fields that stretch for miles, a warm brightening sun shined  down on me through the tree branches that acted like a sort of shading for me.

Y/N: "Is this a dream...?"
???: "It feels like one doesn't it sweetie?"

?"???: "It feels like one doesn't it sweetie?"

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M/N = Mother's name

Y/N: "Mom...Where am I?"
M/N: "Why your at home sweetie."
Y/N: "I feel so confused Mom."
M/N:  "Why's That sweetie?"
Y/N: "Something bad was supposed to happen and I couldn't stop it in time."
M/N: "Oh sweetie you were just having a bad dream."
Y/N: "A bad dream...?"
M/N: "It's okay sweetie Mommy's got you now and she will always be their to protect you."
Y/N: "It all felt so real Mom...I thought something really bad had happened to you..."
M/N: "Sh, sh, sh it's okay sweetie it was only a bad dream."
Y/N: "It wasn't all bad, I met some really good people I think you would've liked them Mom."
M/N: "They sound very precious to you sweetie."
Y/N: "Yea...There was a girl Mom who was very precious to me...She acted tough on the outside but in truth she was very sensitive and fragile on the inside...She had a rough upbringing her father would ignore her while her mother would use her to get back at the father...."
M/N: "It sounds like you really cared for this girl sweetie."
Y/N: "I wanted to make her happy to tell her that she doesn't have to be sad or alone anymore because I would be there to brighten her day and tell her that I would love and care for her with all my heart."
M/N: "It sounds like she was the one for you sweetheart."
Y/N: "Yea...The only problem is that I can't seem to remember her name clearly..."
M/N: "I'm sure it'll come back to you eventually honey."
Y/N: "I did a lot of bad things Mom...unspeakable things that I'm so ashamed of....Mom Kadoc and Lily I—"
M/N: "It's okay sweetheart your safe now all of you are safe see."
Y/N: "All of us?

Mom pointed towards the distance where Kadoc and Lily were. They were playing together smiling and laughing having a good time...they were happy like they were before everything was taken from us. Lily and Kadoc were waving and calling out to me.

Lily: "Big bro come over and play tag with us!"
Kadoc: "Common hurry up Y/N Lily's it!"
M/N: "You shouldn't keep them waiting sweetheart come let us join them."

Mom took hold of my hand walking beside me as we were heading towards my siblings until a familiar voice started ringing in my head causing me stop in my tracks.

???: ("Master!")
Y/N: "Ugh my head...Mordred...?"
M/N: "Is something wrong sweetie?"
Y/N: "Mom...I can't go with you."
M/N: "Why not?"
Y/N: "This place our isn't real your not real Mom."
M/N: "Sweetie...Of course I'm real please take my hand Sweetheart Kadoc and Lily are waiting for us."
Y/N: "No their not Mom...Those aspects of them died a long time ago along with you."

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