State of Emergency

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Birds of a feather always flocked together, and your wings were the only pair that wouldn't get burned as they flew too close to the sun.  With that came responsibility...

Responsibility that Markus had mishandled.  And so, you responded responsibly.

"Chris, we don't know what's waiting for us up there."

"That supposed to make me feel better?"

"I don't know, you're the big bad Marine!"

"And don't you forget it."


A greeting bell chimed, and the doors clicked.  Each panel slid in their respective slots, but you didn't dare peek.

Not yet.

"You, gave us life." Markus echoed down the hall, "And now the time has come for you to give us freedom."

You grit your teeth.

Elijah Kamski gave you his rendition of your life, and you'd taken your own freedom.  Of course, Markus wouldn't know anything about that fight as he rattled your words off to the public.  He hadn't gone through years of dodging pen-to-page missiles and living under an identity that was a watered-down version of the one you were born with.

And yet, here he was...

The gall.

"They're coming!" Another man yelled.

"Let's go!" A woman shouted.

Your eyes locked with Chris's, "How many are there?!"

"At least three."

You shook your head, stretching out the fear.

"On my mark." He gave you a nod.  Counted down to three.  And the two of you rolled your shoulders along the edges of the elevator's opening, jogging in a crouch to the nearest forms of cover with your pistols drawn.

There wasn't anything in the broadcast center except an orchestra of drumming footsteps, and a red pool that divided you from the room.

Chris looked around from the side of his column, "I see the civvie.  Shot in the arm.  Still alive, bleeding out."

You squeezed your eyes shut.

"If we don't get him to a hospital, he's going to die."

You started to sweat.  Heard Daniel in your head and Connor coming to save you.

"I'm going to apply a tourniquet." He put his pistol in his holster, "Cover me."


You didn't want to move; weren't sure if you could.

But you had to.

You be brave...because no one was coming to save you.

So you did.

You followed him, your gun's barrel switching between both sides of the control center's entryway.

"Simon, let's go!"

"I...I can't, Markus.  Go without me!"

You thought your brain was playing tricks on you.  The one that sounded...wounded...

He sounded like Daniel.

Chris dropped to a knee, taking his belt off while you covered his back.

Deviant Behavior (Connor x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ