"Wwhy do yooo u even care Tae? I saw you. I saw youuu all over him. Annd guesss what? there wasss nothing I could do about it. Wwhy? Because its allll my fault" Jungkook was now in tears and sitting on the floor.

"Jungkook.... I... Im sorry. I don't know what you want me to do. This isn't easy for me either", Taehyung wanted to reach out to him so bad, but knew it would only make things harder for him.

"I want you to realize that I'm the one. That I love you. That weeee belong together Tae" Jungkook looks up at him in defeat and broken. He didn't even care to hide his tears or his hurt anymore.

Just then Bogum comes out of nowhere and sees Jungkook on the floor and Tae almost in tears himself.

"Whats wrong babe? Whats wrong with Jungkook?" Bogum said putting his arms around Taehyung, but Tae pulls away and shook his head.

"N-not right now Gummy. Jungkook and I just need a minuet".

"Why? I mean...anything you two talk about can be said in front of me. Unless you're hiding something", Bogum said, looking like he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Bogum... this really isn't the time ok? We really just need a minuet. No one is hiding anything from you", Tae was annoyed now. He really just wanted to make sure Jungkook was ok, but he never thought Bogum would be this insecure about it.

"I'm not going anywhere. If I leave that means that me and you are over. I love you Tae, but ever since he came into our lives I feel like I'm competing with your past. I see the way he looks at you and how you react. I'm done with playing dumb. So, whatever you gotta say to him, if you're not guilty then it can be said in front of me", Bogum had a few drinks himself and now Tae realized he was dealing with two drunk guys, which was never good.

"Shut the fuck upppp you Bodump. Tae hasss been nothing but faithful and good to you and your really here talking all this shittt? YOU DON'T DESERVE HIM", Jungkook was already on his feet and in front of Bogum before Tae could even realize.

"Ohhhok. Guys um... lets just all chill ok. We can talk about this. Just please..." Tae was trying to get in between them but Bogum shoved Tae to the side so he could get in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook saw that Tae looked hurt and it made him furious. He shoved Bogum back 10x as hard, and Bogum fell to the ground.

"Don't you DARE lay a hand on Taehyung like that!" Jungkook looked like he was going to bury him alive and then some.

Bogum quickly got up and shoved Jungkook back and before you know it they were both on the floor wrestling and fist fighting each other. Jungkook was over powering Bogum and was finally on top ready to knock him out when Jimin and Yoongi appeared and yanked him off of Bogum. Some other guys were also holding Bogum back.

"Ok. We are leaving. Like NOW", Jimin said looking at Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi.

Bogum tried to call out after Taehyung but he ignored him, while trying to help Yoongi carry a very drunk Jungkook to the car.

When they got home, Taehyung spent the whole night taking care of Jungkook. He helped the boy undress and changed into a t-shirt because taking care of him drunk or not, Tae didn't think he could handle Jungkook being half naked. Tae took a wet cloth and washed Jungkook's face. He made some warm tea to help Jungkook settle his stomach. And before tucking Jungkook in, he couldn't help but feel how much he loved him.

"I love you Tae", Jungkook was talking in his sleep and it surprised Taehyung to hear something so sweet right when he was thinking the same about the other.

"Tae.... Please. Don't leave. I'm sorry", Jungkook was kicking his blanket and crying with his eyes still closed. He was tossing and turning like he was in pain so Taehyung sat next to him in bed trying to calm him down.

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