Pt.5 ICU

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In the morning, after Taehyung showered and went back to his own room, he finally decided to check his phone. Bogum had called him over 20 times and left about 100 messages. Scrolling through them, he saw Bogum went through a range of emotions. Some were apologies, then anger, then sad, then anger, and then apologies again.

Tae took a breath in as he decides to give Bogum a call.

*phone rings*

*Bogum picks up on the first ring*

"hello?! Tae?! Baby?"

"Hey", was all Taehyung could bring himself to say in that moment.

"I tried contacting you but you never answered.... I was going to drive to your place, but I was drunk, so my friends hid my keys and now he can't find it. Tae... last night. I'm so sorry. I... I don't know what's gotten into me. You have to believe me, I would never intentionally hurt you physically like that, ever", He was breathing hard on the other line, clearly he was still not ok.

"Bogum... i. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. So don't beat yourself up over it, but i.... this is going to be hard but.... I think its best that we should meet in person to.... talk", Tae was biting his lips. Hating that he has to hurt Bogum this way, but there's no way he could be with him. 

He realized that last night after seeing Jungkook in tears and it broke his heart. Then when Bogum and Jungkook were fighting, Tae realized how much anger he felt towards Bogum for hurting Jungkook. Even though if Taehyung was to be honest, Jungkook looked like he hurt Bogum more than anything.

" talk?..... Tae... Are you planning on breaking up with me?" Bogum no longer sounded sad and desperate for forgiveness but calm and cold and that scared Taehyung more than anything.

"Bogum... i.... I just think where my heart is right now.... I mean, I have love for you. I do. And you treat me so well, but I can't lie to you or myself anymore. You helped me realize that last night. The more I pretend like there's nothing between Jungkook and I... the more I hurt you both. You're a great guy and"-

Bogum cut Taehyung off before he could finish his sentence.

" Just stop. Just stop explaining like I'm going to understand and forgive you. How could you Taehyung? You knew how much I love you. I was going to purpose to you one day. I introduced you to my family. How could you just do this to me for a guy who didn't even appreciate what he had before? Do you actually believe he can love you better than me?"

"Bogum I know your angry... but you don't know Jungkook. Love isn't a competition. I really am sorry that I'm doing this to you....", Taehyung sighed. He doesn't even blame Bogum for being so harsh. He's had his heart broken before, so he knows it's not a good place to be.

"..... There's not enough apologies in this world for me to be ok Tae. I was serious about you. Even though I knew... when I first met you.... the way you talked about him... I knew. But I loved you right when I saw you. I'm an idiot for thinking you'd got over him and finally fall in love with me. I don't need your apology. I don't need anything from you ever again", and just like that Bogum hung up. Taehyung felt terrible, he'd hurt someone he cared about and it was killing him on the inside.

Suddenly there was a soft knock on his door, it was Jungkook who just got out the shower himself. He was wearing his all black H&M shorts and hoodie set. His red cherry hair was still wet, and he had two hot chocolates cups in his hand.

"I... thought this might cheer you up some", he offered Tae a soft smile and Tae couldn't help but smile back in return.

Tae walks up to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek and grabs the hot coco with the most whipped cream.

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